I need to change my glasses.

The signal my eyes sent to my brain had the signboard reading fortune instead of forture! It could be a play of words by the owner although in urban dictionary, forture means to venture forth to a distant destination.
Enough of English lesson.

Forture Seafood is apparently quite famous in the filthy rich area of Bukit Timah; kind of surprising since it gives the impression of a normal tze char stall in a coffeeshop. *note, they do have an air-conditioned section in the shop next door*

For Singapore's very own food guru to give ratings of divine and die-die-must-try, i guess we would not be too disappointed with what we were going to partake in, in a few moments.
Sambal Kang Kong
A fresh plate of plain stir-fried vegetables would be the best way to describe this dish. The sambal flavour was not really there and for a sambal kang kong dish, this was a major letdown.
Tofu on Metal Plate
Nothing much to comment on this. To put it in more optimistic term, i don't remember ever having a bad tofu on metal plate. There are good ones but after a while, they almost have the same taste everywhere.
Sichuan Soup
Residents of Chengdu, the provincial capital of Sichuan, will not be happy to drink this. It was more sweet than sourish-hot although it appealed to my saccharine inclined taste buds.
Steamed Crab
When it comes to any seafood that is steamed, i am seldom impressed. My mom is an accomplished cook and steaming seafood is like the easiest task for her!

This crab was overcooked, resulting in a drier texture that should have been overflowing with juiciness.
Salted Egg Crab
Given this was the second time i had salted egg crabs, i am not sure how accurate i am in my review. Basically, if you are a lover of salted eggs, i guess you will like this since the intensity of that weird saltiness was much higher than Uncle Leong.

Personally, i prefer the version from Uncle Leong; i have never enjoyed salted egg on its own and could not fathom why people like it.

Well, at least it was really meaty! See how compacted the meat was!
Chilli Crab
After going through a few sessions of chilli crabbing, i had always commented that nothing beats my mom's version. She can whip up a damn mean chilli crab with sauce that was heavenly enough to be the main dressing for plain white rice.

This was comparable to mom's. If i wasn't recovering from diarrhea that day, i could have jolly well ordered a few bowls of rice to go with the delicious chilli sauce!

Will definitely be back for this!
887, Bukit Timah Road
Bukit Timah road is a long stretch and if you are travelling towards Beauty World from Dover, it's actually one and a half bus stop after the sixth avenue centre.
Opening Hours
Open daily from 11.00am to 2.30pm and from 5.00pm to 11.30pm.
Call 6469-5957 or 6463-0479.
Sambal Kang Kong - S$6.00
Tofu on Metal Plate - S$10.00
Sichuan Soup - S$4.00
Crabs - S$189.00 for 3 Crabs
No GST and no Service Charge!
Additional Information
One item die-die must order is their unique fried buns (S$5 for five pieces). Their flaky crust was delightful without being overly oily.

Of course, it's another must to have this with chilli crabs. Either that or butter crabs. Damn, i am so craving for a bite right now!