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There are many different ways to contact me but i would strongly recommend messaging me via my Instagram;

Updates would also be made on my Facebook page. 
You may like it HERE.

I have been receiving a number of requests to advertise on this blog. Frankly, i don't mind earning extra pocket money for my travel funds but please, offer me something different that other people are not writing about! 

And I don't accept accept guest posts. Sorry! 


  1. Hey Nice blog ! randomness is the thing about the 21st century. I write a blog too and would really appreciate it if you could check it out! It's about stuff that would improve your experience with your phone/tablet. here is the link:

  2. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Hey there... I love reading ur blog! Keep it up! :)

    1. Thank you so much! Your comment (like many others) has spurred me to keep going!

  3. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Good blog! Love it! Anyway, what are you currently working as? Jobless NUS Grad here :(
    Any ideas?

    1. Thank you! I am now working in NUS! Fancy joining your alma mater? You may find the list of available vacancies at

  4. I'm a Eurasian (Kristang) from Malaysia living in New York City. My ancestor , Henry Kraal, is buried in that cemetary and you have a picture of his gravestone on your blog: it's pic number 8.

    1. Serious!? I believe you are referring to the dutch cemetery in Malacca?

  5. What a fantastic coverage of Singapore's attractions (total of 132 post).
    Awesome photos of Inuka (with many different pose captured on your camera) on the newest exhibit "Frozen Tundra". (
    How on earth you could captured the photos with such a perfect vividness. Amazing shot! We love it very much...

    1. Thanks Sujuan! You just need photoshop or GIMP; many a times, graphic software can enhance the photos and provide it with much better clarity.

      Having said that, a good camera with a good lens would determine everything. And frankly, the pictures could have been better. Blame it on my poor photographic skill! Hah!

  6. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Hi, heard that your taohua is great!
    But would like to check does it contains gelatin?
    It is suitable for vegan or vegetarian ?

    1. Hallo!

      You mean tau hua (as in soya beancurd)? Taohua is peach blossoms. Hehe, and i don't sell tau hua also. I love to eat tau hua though. :)

  7. Hi Cavin, are you still a USS Annual Pass Holder? I am also a blogger ( who specialises in theme parks, and I hope to meet and learn from like minded people like you. Is it possible we arrange a day to meet at the park?

    1. Hi Hao Jie!

      The greatest draw to USS was in fact Battlestar Galactica and i honestly don't see the point of renewing my annual pass after it was axed from the theme park. By the way, really informative blog you have; love your post on making full use of your time in USS~!

  8. Thanks cavin.

    Actually, there is now some minor construction work going on at battlestar galactica (you can see the pics on the "uss update june 2014" post. Let's keep our fingers crossed that it means the ride is coming back. Also, shall we mutually subscribe to each others reader feed?

  9. Sure! I shall add you shortly.

    Doubt battlestar galactica would be back in full force although my bet is that there would be another roller coaster ride. I am just hoping it would be another key attraction!

  10. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Love your photos,I lived at no 1 Oxford street!!

    1. thanks! eh... what about number 1, oxford street?

  11. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Is it okay, if i used ur picture? (and i will reference also)

    1. sure! out of curiosity, which picture would you be using and for what purpose? :)

  12. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Hi I am Adriel Leong, a self confessed foodie. Would like to be your friend. Contact me at :)

  13. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Hi Calvin ...Unexpectedly chanced upon your fantastic blog. Enjoy getting myself lost in many interesting avenues. Your blog indeed changed my perception on cemeteries. I have never once stepped foot on that ground though I drove past there a few times. Through your photos, I had discovered so many great sculptures there. I am especially interested in visiting Chua Chu Kang cemetery at night. Is it allowed? Do we need to get permission from the cemetery office to visit there at night? Kindly let me know please. Thank you. Cheers ...Michelle

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Glad to know it has changed the perception that cemeteries are in fact not that scary. :) I personally do not like to visit at night since it deters me from taking good photographs.

      You also wish to note that navigation is more difficult at night and there is an added challenge of not knowing what lurks ahead; in this instance, i am referring to my greatest nemesis, the snake.

      CCK cemetery is free for all to visit at night and you do not need permission. Nevertheless, please keep in mind what i mentioned above. If you really would like to go, don't go alone. The mind can indeed play tricks at night.


  14. Anonymous9:59 AM

    hi I would like to know what camera are u using?

    1. Hello! I used Nikon D7100 nowadays although i do make use of my iPhone camera function. For beach vacations, i would bring along my waterproof Olympus TG-3. :)

  15. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Hi Cavin, just a suggestion for your Food Philosophy; Soek Seng 1954 Bicycle Cafe at Seletar Aerospace View. Can't really find much reviews on their foods on the net. Hope able to see some pictures here :)

    1. Thanks Anonymous! I hope i have time to do that this week before my car is sent to the scrapyard! Many thanks for the suggestion!

  16. Hi. I love reading your blog. i find this blog when searching petaling street image from google. It's reminds me when i visited malaysia 2 years ago when i have the chance. I also see your post about china from your latest posts. It's very nice to be able to travel to other countries. I really hope I can do things like you although it sounds impossible. :D Keep writting calvin. It's nice to see great photos like that.

    1. Hi Timur,

      That's really nice of you and i am glad to see you following my blog. Honestly, i have not been travelling as much as i would love to with my current commitments. :(

      Thanks for your encouragement! Words like yours really keep me going in this blog. If you like any of the postings, do remember to share them with your friends! :)

      Have a great evening!

  17. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Hi Calvin, thank you for a very informative blog. I will be visiting Taiwan in the nearest time... I would like to ask... at the night market ... is there any stall selling plants or flowers ? browsing thru your pics, i dont see any plants being included... thank you.

    1. Hallo! I don't remember seeing any flowers or plants at the night market but i think you might face a problem in bringing them back to your country as most countries impose a ban on import of flowers / plants without the necessary permit!

  18. I need the price of the machine.

  19. Hello! Your fellow Singaporean here. Chanced upon your blog and enjoyed reading it! :D

  20. May I know what time is the opening hour

  21. I like reading your travel blogs. They are so detailed that I can get all info of the trip from here. Keep it up!

    Looking forward for more trips. :)

    1. Thanks Leo! I would definitely keep it up but not likely to have any more trip this year until i am done with the postings for Hokkaido!

  22. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Hi Cavin, in case you haven't been informed, there's a news website using your image, here's the link

    1. Thanks for telling me! just sent a message to the webmaster.

  23. Hi, is there any website which I can buy fireworks cruise (lake toya) online?

    1. not that i am aware of but it didn't seem crowded; so you should be able to get your tickets on site. :)

  24. Hi Cavin! New fan here!!! I love your blog and really great places covered!! I'm binge reading it now :D:D:D:D beautiful photos too!

  25. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Is there a way to book seats for this Monday? 10th April 2023

    1. huh? seats for? I am a part time blogger and don't own any physical business.

  26. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Enjoyed your recap of Hanoi. Can't wait to read about DaNang. The white building you took a snap of near Hoan Kiem Lake would have made a great hotel! Sadly it's a Uniqlo flagship store, you missed the grand opening 11-11.,105.8530724,3a,75y,271.56h,100.48t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipNvoJ_L3ligxic9aerO61a6tE-MBcoTRURkwzaQ!2e10!3e11!7i5760!8i2880?entry=ttu

    1. Haha, hope I have the energy to blog about danang! I still have a few days to go for Hanoi! Lol. And thanks for informing me that the building I snapped is a uniqlo store. That's so disappointing!
