Sunday, August 11, 2024

Nasi Ayam Kee Chup @ Johor Bahru in Malaysia

Many friends know that Johor Bahru in Malaysia is like my second home; to the extent I can go in monthly or, in the extreme cases, weekly! For some time already, I had heard of a famous Nasi Ayam Kee Chup near the Malaysian checkpoint. 

One fine Monday afternoon, I took leave and visited the eatery. Within a 5-minute walking distance from Amari Hotel and Susanna Suites, I wondered why it took me so long to check this out. 

Without any huge signage, I assumed the structure was more a convenience store that had its blinds sponsored by GrabFood. I doubled checked Google Map, and confirmed this was the place! 

There's a signage alright, that was blocked by plants and trees; it befuddled my mind as most owners would have taken pride of their signage and ensure it remains noticeable to any passersby. Maybe business too good.

First thing I noticed; it was full house even though it was already past 2pm! Second thing, this eatery felt more like a kampong home than a restaurant; tables were the foldable kind with retro-patterned laminate and the floor were covered with timber sheets! 

Name of the eatery was in Malay but some of the decorative materials were suspiciously from the ethnic Chinese. Whatever the case, Malaysia is a melting pot of different races like Singapore and in Nasi Ayam Kee Chup, customers comprised of a harmonious mix of Malays, Indians and Chinese. 

Imagine coming in to an empty basket of chickens! 
Have they already sold out even though operating hour is till 4pm?!

Fret not, a new batch was sent shortly after. So note that the kee chup style of fried chicken differs from the steamed, roasted version that we commonly see in Singapore, and would be more similar to the soy sauce chicken that was once awarded one michelin star

After ordering, please take your own sauces (sweet soy sauce /  chilli sauce), pick the serviettes and scoop your soup from the above counter. 

Cutleries would be taken from this plastic measuring cup that was filled with room temperature water. Frankly, I didn't find this hygienic as water has a higher risk of spreading germs and viruses unless it's very hot. 

Completing the picture would be the plate of nasi ayam kee chup! What's your favorite chicken part? For me, it had to be the thigh and the above extended a connecting drumstick too! 

The rice was interesting; packed tight with a hard texture that was undesirable, it wowed me with a rich, additive flavor of garlic and ginger, that's not your typical chicken rice, rice! 

Meat was moist and had hardly any fats; typical features of kampong chicken! Marination was the widely acceptable sweet soya sauce type, and I guess it will definitely appeal to the kids. For me, it wasn't the rice and chicken that would get me to come back again.

Chilli was the major motivator! 
p.s. Soup was too salty! 

So good was the chilli that I finished the one I took for myself, stole from Alex and even had to go for second, technically third helping! How I wish I can buy the chilli back as I believe I can have it with everything, from salad to fried chicken!

What I love about the chilli was its initial sweetness that gave way to burst of hot spiciness! I would describe it like a cross of the chilli from wuxiang prawn crackers and chicken rice chilli, sans the garlickiness. 

One word; shiok! I need to warn chicken rice lovers though; it's not your typical chicken rice and the chilli would fail miserably if you are comparing with the chilli from notable chicken rice stalls. 

An example for the aforementioned sentence was Alex, who didn't enjoy the meal. For me, the only regret I had was not taking over the rice from Alex, drench with the chilli sauce and blissfully clean it up! 


24A, Jalan Dato Dalam, Bandar Johor Bahru, 
80000 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

As above.

Operating Hours
11 am to 4 pm
(Closed on Tuesdays)

As above.

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