Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Chopsticks near BTS Thong Lor in Bangkok [Thailand]

It can be sickening when you have too much of the same cuisine when you are overseas. Hence, I decided to seek out The Chopsticks after watching a facebook reel about it before my Bangkok trip! 

Review rating on Google Maps was 4.3 and given its large kitschy signboard on the side of the building; I wouldn't have expected the eatery to be so small! First floor seating capacity was like maybe sixteen?

Thank god there was a second floor with more breathable space between tables. Oh nice, a bar? Turned out it was a cannabis counter! I am aware of the legal implications once I am back to Singapore; so no to cannabis! Surprisingly, I didn't pick out any odd aroma.

I honestly didn't know what to make out of this weird combination; it felt like a Chinese temple, funeral added with Japanese lanterns and chairs / tables that were more suitable for a karaoke, and yes, that odd looking stool with a face. 

Whatever the case, I was there for food.
And a menu was of a higher priority. 

Chrysanthemum Tea - thirst quenching good, as it always would be with ice and under the hot Bangkok weather! And true to usual beverages in Thailand, the sweetness might be a bit too over for typical Singaporeans accustomed to less sugar in their drinks. 
Following up with two baskets of dim sum!
Gosh, the portions were just right for two persons!

Pork Shumai - you see more meat than skin although as far as taste was concerned, it wasn't out of the blue, and definitely not in the siew mai style I was more acquainted with in Singapore / Malaysia / Hongkong. 

Custard Lava Bun - visually, the buns looked flattened but never judge a dim sum by its cover; the doughskin wasn't too thick and I absolutely digged the deliciously flowy salted egg custard within! So yummy. 

Char Siu Noodles - this was what brought me to The Chopsticks. The influencer had such a glowing review for the char siew that I, as a lover for char siew, knew I had to try this! 

Personally, it was meaty rather than fatty and the cut was too thick for my liking. It didn't escape my eyes, however, that the lightly charred glace was appealing. After taking a bite, I was impressed! Delightfully smoky  with the marination soaking even within the thick cut of meat, it was with surprise to find the texture not as hard as I expected! 

Noodles were the rubber kind, and tasted alkaline! There was a saucer of sweet sauce accompanying the noodles and it was useful to taper down the alkalinity.


Verdict - I did enjoy the meal, albeit with some disappointment on the shumai and the noodles. Prices wise were a bit high and even though I like the char siu, and was caught off-guard by how nice it was despite its thickness, the char siew soul in me would still very much prefer a fattier cut. 

764 11 ชั้น 1 Khlong Tan, Khlong Toei, 
Bangkok 10110, Thailand

As above.

As above. 

Chrysanthemum Tea - 59 baht
Char Siu Noodles - 179 baht
Pork Shumai -  49 baht
Custard Lava Bun - 59 baht
(subject to tax)

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