Thursday, December 30, 2021

Suay (Bad Luck) Again

Alex requested I helped him pour a glass of boiling hot water since I am in the kitchen; not a difficult task, especially when I was also waiting to get myself a cup of tea.

The next thing I knew; the glass mug burst, resoundingly if I might add, into half, sending scalding hot water all over the kitchen floor! Shocked, I stood where I was for a few seconds, not knowing what I should do next as there could be glass splinters everywhere.

Strangely, there wasn't any. The supposedly hardy hard rock cafe glass mug was simply broken into half, with the heavy bottom severed from its top! An easy cleanup, thankfully. 

Aside from the 'demise' of the glass mug, another victim was my foot which was scalded by the hot water! Rescuer came in the form of baofulin (宝肤灵), the miracle cream that's my to-go for any burns. 

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