Saturday, April 27, 2024

Veoveoana Sika Deer Park of Tsou Veoveoana Cultural and Creative Park in Taiwan

The bowing deer of Nara in Japan is a huge attraction but I understand you can experience the same thing in Taiwan, at the Veoveoana Sika Deer Park of Tsou Veoveoana Cultural and Creative Park! 

With an assigned park guide, we were given information that this particular plant that bears leaves well liked by the deer in the sanctuary. There was an impulsion to pluck some leaves for the deer experience later but we were assured we would be given some later on.

Stepping into the building connected to the deer park. 

It's also a souvenir shop but we were not given sufficient time to check out the items since there was a cultural performance we were scheduled for later in the same attraction.

Each of us was given a box of leaves; this differs from the situation in Nara where visitors would have to purchase crackers to fill the over 1,000 free roaming deer.

Rules and regulations, in Chinese. In essence, no horsing around, don't use too much force while patting the deer, don't feed the deer food that wasn't from the park, don't hit the butt (apparently that's the signal to shit) etc. 

Area beyond the gates didn't appear big and definitely not on the scale as Nara park. According to our tour guide, there were a total of 27 deer. Again, incomparable to the 1,000 over deer at Nara.

Some information; the area used to have a lot of wild deer but due to overhunting, they went extinct around 1894 and what we see now were imported to help to revive the species in the area. 

Scary thing is that the deer were conditioned to humans stepping past the gate as it infers food! Some will come rushing towards you and that can be quite scary, especially for young kids.

Known as Sika Deer, this adorable species is considered as a medium sized deer, and weighed from 70 to 100 kilograms. Its coat changes with seasons and has white spots that were more pronounced during summer. I presume the coat thickens to conserve energy and prevent heat loss as the weather cools. 

 A cute and shy fawn!

Strategy to feeding them the leaves; hold them high above their head and see them bow before you give to them. In the short time I was there, I didn't see them jumping up to snatch the leaves.

Dad appeared to enjoy the interaction!

Video for your viewing pleasure.

Once we were done with the leaves, the deer will just leave us alone although they would still mill around, with the hopes we are able to make more leaves appear in our pockets! p.s. just in case you are wondering, the area doesn't smell of poop. 

Another star for the deer park. 
Minced Garlic; click here for more info! 


車埕51號, Fanlu Township, 
Chiayi County, 602037, Taiwan,  

Map of Deer Park.
As above.

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