Nowadays, with the exception of sushi, i would usually satisfy my Japanese food craving at Ootoya - the place that serves authentic homemade Japanese food!

This claim was proudly displayed on the front page of the menu. I can't say it's shameless since the food was incredibly different (and good) and emitted a homely feel to them.
Basically - this is pork cutlet don although the title on the menu said "rice with breaded pork flavoured sea tangle". The word tangle doesn't sound too appetising. And 'flavoured' gave a wrong impression when real pork is indeed used for this dish.

Beautifully served in lacquer ware box, this did manage to seduce my stomach with splatters of runny eggs on top of thick chunks of crispy, breaded pork!

However, given my indifferent attitude towards pork cutlet, i am again not impressed with this one from Ootoya. It was one of the better ones i had but sadly, i would not make an effort to try it again.
Juicy chicken meat that was poles apart from the drier pork katsu! I am not going to repeat what i did mention in my post here.
3155, Clementi Ave West,
#03-53, The Clementi Mall
(opposite Clementi MRT Station)
Katsujyu (set)- S$16.00
Torikurozu (alacarte) - S$12.00
Subject to GST and Service Charge
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