During my primary and secondary school days, a visit to the science centre was guaranteed every one to two years!
The excursions were always very enjoyable since the exhibits entailed the usage of all five basic human senses and greatly enthralled us.
Would i be equally fascinated at this ripe age?

Would i be equally fascinated at this ripe age?

According to my "goodest" friends, i tend to be easily satisfied and it's not difficult to make me feel contented. So let's go through this pictorial post and see if their statement stands.

Rabbit is the Chinese zodiac sign this year and it's pretty common for some of Singapore's attractions to bank on it. Even the bird park has an enclosure for these rodents!

Besides information explaining the physical attributes of the rabbits, a machine was also available to purchase auspicious red packets and instructions to make a rabbit out of them.

This is how they look like! Cute right?! Opps, guess it is no longer available! Damn, should have posted this much much earlier! :(

Map of the kinetic garden. The hot weather dampens any hope of further exploration! Sighz.... when are the scientists introducing economical air-conditioned clothing?! I am so anticipating them!!

Okay, i wouldn't mind this! Definitely welcome for this unbearable weather! Unlike most water parks for children, this one in the science centre incorporates some science to the structures like the water tornado.

Let's challenge our eyes now. What did you see? Mere pillars of Roman architecture or Roman senators having a discussion?

Magic mirror! Stand in front of the mirror and it will show you four different faces of yourself! This was the ghostly face. Guess it will be more fun at night!

Can't remember which exhibit this belongs to but toddlers will most likely be attracted by the neon colors of various shapes.

Metal grass (iron powder) that danced to the music! Super nice to watch as these 'balls' kind of reminded me of small little fur balls!

The egg incubator that seems to be there like forever! However, it continues to attract the attention of visitors. The power of birth!

Let's continue to the outdoors - the ecogarden. I am slightly keener to venture out for the great outdoors. Living things like plants and insects are more interesting than non-living stuff.

You can see the source of food and even feel them! Very educational for any school children who have no idea how basic ingredients like chilli is grown and harvested.

Surprisingly, the science centre managed to include quite a few crops like corns, brinjals, potatoes, ladyfingers, rice and even peanuts!

There was even a tree house! This is rare in a country like Singapore where landed properties are commonly small in size.

Back to the indoors again! The marina alcove - a much smaller Underwater World. Not that i am complaining as the science centre operates many permanent exhibitions.

iSpace exhibition touched on infocomunication technology! For me, i found this to be most interesting as it affects us the most (think mobile internet, facebook etc).

And when we think of mobile phones, those born before the 1980s will definitely recognise this 大哥大. It was said that gangsters used this phone as weapon in their gang fights!

My camera is unable to capture these shot by shot frames! It was actually a machine with a turn knob that enables to control the speed of the video. Damn fun to play!

This exhibit is quite abstract with a theme tagged as "imagination". I thought it was quite lame and a waste of resources. Either that or i am just not imaginative enough.

Similar to Google Earth, you turn the circular screen to zoom in and out and tilt it to move the satellite map left and right! After fiddling it for around ten minutes, i realised Google Earth is much easier to use.

A temporary exhibit by the name of Robot Zoo, it strives to educate visitors by simulating the movement of animals and insects.

We paid a dollar each to enter this exhibit and was disappointed to find that it's not very big and the technical terms were too... technical for us.

The information panel was actually very informative but having targeted only three and half hours for this visit, we were in fact rushing for time! And we had already tried to cover as much as we can!
Lesson Learnt?
Lesson Learnt?
Reserve at least six hours for my next visit!
Additional Information.
Additional Information.
Visit the Science Centre webpage for information on permanent/temporary exhibitions, pricing of tickets, opening hours and other information that might be helpful.
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