Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mom's Birthday 2024

It's been quite a while since I last posted something on family and it's not because we don't meet up; we do catch up very often but for celebrations, it's usually a meal without cakes as the kids are all grown-up and candle-blowing isn't as desirable anymore.

But my elder sister got my mom a cake for her birthday this time and after dinner, we retreated to the comfort of my house so that the teenagers in the family would be less shy about singing songs! 

Of course it's time to have some update on the kids! Jovyn drew a card for my mom whereas the red packet came from Joyce. I am not much of a present-person, preferring to let my mom decide what she wants so that I don't have to scratch my head.

September babies; for my immediate family of nine persons, three are in September! That means a concentration of higher expenditure during this period of time with all the feasting! Gratefully, my elder sister paid for the birthday meal. :P 

Singing the birthday song - in English and Mandarin.
Just wondering, is there a hokkien version?

Making her wish - knowing my mom, the health and wellbeing of family come first and next will likely be the opportunity to win big in the next lottery like 4D and Toto. At her age, buying the lottery is one sure way to reduce the risk of dementia!

Want to know how she is? Hint: the candles.
Anyway, happy birthday to my dearest mom! 

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