Saturday, October 27, 2018

Incident at Similan Islands [Thailand] - My Dad Almost Drowned

Our guide from SeaStars Andaman warned us about swimming towards the rocks of Similan Island No 5 and 6 as there could be sharp edges. Being rebellious runs in my blood; furthermore, i knew from my numerous snorkeling excursions that the rocks are the place to find more marine life and i have always been mindful of where i step on.

What i didn't realise was that my dad was right behind me (as shown in the above pic)! Even though he taught me how to swim; i don't think he had swum for a long time and might not be that experienced when it comes to open seas. 

To run the long story short, he couldn't manage and as a weak swimmer myself (without a life jacket), i knew i wouldn't have the strength and stamina to pull him back and had to swim back (quickly) to ask for help! Thankfully, Alex was nearby and his lifesaving instinct kicked in immediately to assist my father! 

He was obviously shaken from the episode and had to endure my nagging as well that he should have donned the life jacket. On second thought, i am to be blamed for not insisting he did. That's not all; his attempts to climb the slippery rock resulted in blood flowing from his toe and this time, it's the heroine to the rescue; Sheda, our guide. 

The boat was equipped with first aid kit and she sprang to action upon hearing my dad was injured; bringing out the basic yet essential medical stuff.

She proceeded to clean the wound, apply disinfectant and apply pressure to stop the bleeding for his ring toe. Throughout the process, she was assuring and didn't even attempt to rebuke us; which i appreciated as i was already feeling lousy to have almost caused the death of my father.

All nicely done up! Didn't know my dad has such long index toe! 

From this incident, there are two learning points; firstly, always don your life jacket, especially if the water is too deep! Secondly, buy and bring along a pair of snorkeling shoes! You can get them from Decathlon Singapore


What else i did in Phuket

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