Friday, June 19, 2020

Shami Banana Leaf - Boneless Mutton Briyani @ Kopitiam in Yishun Northpoint City Mall [Singapore] #shamibananaleaf

Yishun has been home for more than three decades and i must say its development over the years has been nothing short of spectacular; when i first moved in, there's not a single shopping mall.

The first one is Northpoint shopping mall and while there were a lot of changes in the tenant mix, one stall at the basement food court seems to have remained there all these year; Shami Banana Leaf! 

Remembering there's always a long queue, i was kind of surprised when there was just two persons ahead of me during lunchtime. Oh well, maybe because it was still phase one of post circuit breaker and many Singapore residents are likely working from work (and maybe cooking their own lunch).

I am working from home too but i am the lazy homebody who prefers to buy back and right above would be my lunch consisting of a pack of boneless mutton briyani, a bag of curry and one piece of papadum.

Problem with takeaway food that's wrapped up; they would be constricted to the "mould" and can appear quite disappointing looking. The first thing that came out from my mouth was "shit, i forgot to ask for lesser rice". That's a lot of long grain basmati rice! 

Papadum is "a thin, crisp, round flatbread" that doesn't evoke much of a craving on its own but every time i have nasi briyani, this would immediately become an essential companion. Break it into large pieces and have one after you have a spoonful of nasi briyani or mix them into the rice; its light, slightly salty flavour contrasts yet complements richness from the curry.

My set came with one vegetable options and although there were three, namely long beans, cabbage and cucumber with pineapples, my selection is always the cucumber with pineapples! For meat, my preference is mutton over chicken.

The fragrant basmati rice with the flavourful curry mutton cubes, the crunchy cucumber and the zesty pineapple; the amalgamation was delicious! I am glad the operator wasn't stingy with the mutton although pricing wasn't exactly cheap. 

Personally, i felt that the rice was on the bland side and the boneless mutton could have been softer and more tender. On hindsight, maybe i should go with the boned mutton? But i honestly, don't like to gnaw on bones, especially when there are still meat on hard to reach areas! 

Burp! As some of you are aware, i am trying to reduce my carbohydrates intake and it's really a challenge trying to avoid rice, bread and noodles! 


930 Yishun Avenue 2,
Northpoint, #B2-10,
Singapore 769098

As above

Boneless Mutton Briyani Set - S$9.80 


  1. InLoveWithFood2:36 PM

    Hi, I just want to say thank you for posting this. It's so hard to decide what to eat these days and honest reviews like these really help! I hope you'll post more food adventures, especially Halal food (hehe). Love the photos and the whole post!

    1. Thanks for your compliments! With the pandemic in place, it's hard to travel and i guess it's more food postings in the coming few months! Halal food? Have you checked out the nasi ambeng at coba? It's in Yishun too!

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Dont see the Indian man boss at stall

  3. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Asked for 2 masala chicken she packed in one the quantity is very less and Really not worth to pay .charged $12.40. Really worthless buying. Wasted . Would have bought very good full meal in shakunthalas where usally buy. Very upset.

  4. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I bought my nutton briyani take away from your atall on 20/5 for lunch, after hakd way thru enjoying my lunch, i found a black cabke tie together with the curry chickpeas, i was so suspicious if the food cooked there is clean and up for consumption. Please look into this matter or should i report to NEA.

    1. I don't operate the stall; so please feel free to report to NEA / SFA.
