When i reached Bintan Cabana at 11.30am local time, my stomach was already protesting of hunger. But lunch, included in my groupon package, will only start from 12 noon onwards.

Disappointment greeted me when i saw the limited variety of food for the buffet lunch - barely less than five types of simple dishes, excluding rice, soup and fruits.
Damn, i don't even feel motivated to eat!

Damn, i don't even feel motivated to eat!

Taking a sip, i was amazed the thick soup that counts mushrooms, eggs and tender spring onion bulbs as its ingredients tasted just like shark's fin soup!

Guaranteed to be a healthier version that sits well with opponents of shark finning. Not that it matters to me since i feel that eating meat, regardless of what they are, is already an act of cruelty.

This fried vegetable didn't look appetising, the crust was soft and i admit there was a vague taste of flour but the insides were moist and actually tasted quite alright.

Eggs always enhance my appetite and the perfectly cooked chilli padi omelette did just that! Frankly, a bit of numbing hot chilli padi makes a lot of difference.

The chickens that were sacrificed to become the deep fried chicken must be really health conscious. Every piece was lean and did not appear to be oily!
My perky ears caught the conversation between a customer and the service personnel; apparently the chickens were not caged up and ran around freely in the kampongs.

My perky ears caught the conversation between a customer and the service personnel; apparently the chickens were not caged up and ran around freely in the kampongs.

For my review on Bintan Cabana Beach Resort, please click HERE.