Ray of Fun is an exhibit within the Underwater World and is basically a waist-height aquarium filled with stingrays!
It was really entertaining because that was the first time we literally touched a stingray! Eating them in Chomp Chomp food centre doesn't count at all!
That's how close they were! Oh-mi-gosh right?! By the way, wild rays are very dangerous with their poisonous barb on the tail! Steve Irwin was one such victim a few years ago!
We contributed to this profit making organisation by buying the feed at S$3! This will shorten the time we need to gently molest touch these amazing sea creatures!
Here's What You Should Do
Here's What You Should Do
And then..............
I even managed to grab it! Wrong!! It's a photographic misalignment!! I am an animal lover and i was merely feeling its skin texture. That's all!
There are various ways to interact with the fishy fishy in Underworld World. You can even feed the sharks; using this long pronged stick which is utterly BORING.
They should seriously come out with something more realistic and challenging!
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