Sunday, August 09, 2020

A Stroke of Bad Luck on National Day - Scalded by Hot Coffee!

Happy National Day! Yes, it's Singapore's 55th birthday and although we remain guarded against COVID-19, i had a celebratory steamboat lunch with two friends who had known me for about 26-27 years! Alas, it could have been more enjoyable though. 

Don't get me wrong; it was a great meetup. It's just that an unfortunate incident happened right at home before lunch and it had to do with a mug of boiling hot coffee. Clumsy me accidentally toppled the mug and the content not only stained my documents and dirtied floor; it also resulted in injury. 

To my thigh! This was taken a few minutes after i scalded myself as i was busy trying to save my computer from being damaged! As you can see from the picture, the skin had reddened and appeared to be peeling off. 

Within a few minutes, blisters started appearing. While the burn was uncomfortable, i found the pain to be quite manageable; either my tolerance was high or that i could have been in shock. 

The state a few hours later; three large water blisters and it felt a bit like water balloons with the liquid swooshing around as i walked. Jovyn came over and thought i had purposely put plasters over the burn! It did feel leathery even though i could continue my daily exercises without much discomfort. 

Two blisters broke when i was jogging though. Let's just pray that the conditions improve tomorrow and it would be a better day as in addition to scalding myself; i also had the "luck" to shatter an empty glass bottle at home this morning. 

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