Saturday, June 22, 2024

Einhan Resort (日月潭映涵渡假飯店) @ Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan

For tour packages, it's common to be allocated hotels that are far from main hives of human activity given their likely lower pricing and it's a nice surprise that for our stay at Sun Moon Lake; we were brought to the hotel lobby via a side entrance from Ita Thao Shopping District!

Hotel name: Einhan Resort; opened in 2006, with the last renovation in 2010, it has a total of 101 rooms spread across 11 categories. You can read more about the rooms here

Our room - 3301 on the third floor of Block C; a springtime twin room. It's supposed to be tatami bed but considering that my dad is elderly, KK had helped us change to a normal twin bed.

Interior of the room; what I particularly liked was the raised wooden corner by the window, where one could possibly have a cultured tea session. Not for unrefined, impatient persons like me!

The tall table next to the small television was strange and I bet those of Chinese ethnicity might have the same thought as me; such furniture is usually used for religious purposes with displays of ancestral tablets, small statues of deities and offerings that would include incense sticks, fruits etc.

p.s. nothing weird happened and our sleep was comfortable. The only notable event was that access to the room was via physical key and I was so accustomed to card access that I simply forgot to key-lock when we went out of the room! 

View from our room window, which overlooked the quieter Wenhua street. There were rooms that have a great view of Sun Moon Lake but I guess tour groups wouldn't usually secure them. 

The washroom for reference! Have rainfall shower, no bidet. According to a note I found on, it was mentioned that starting from 2024, some rooms will no longer provide single-use amenities by default. For sustainability, I thought it's a good move, so long we can still request on a need-be basis. 

Complimentary as part of our tour with Chan Brothers, the restaurant, named Starry Sky Restaurant, was located on the 9th floor of Block B, which is connected to the same hotel lobby. 

Key draw for dining would definitely be the view of the Sun Moon Lake right in front of us! Do grab your table fast as every diners would love to secure one by the window.

The above was the hotel Alex and I stayed at 10 years ago; Cherng Yuan Hotel, which also had its restaurant overlooking the calm and peaceful Sun Moon Lake. 

What I had for breakfast.
Well, they served my basic needs.

When I was waiting for the lift to Starry Sky Restaurant, something caught my attention. The above panel indicated an observatory on level 10, and I noticed a staircase within the restaurant that would bring us up a level.

Of course had to go up, especially given that I am a fast eater and had more time to spare while my dad slowly had his breakfast while enjoying the lake view.

Damn, I regretted not knowing about this the night before as I bet there's a chance to see many stars on a clear night. From the above, you can actually see the setting moon on the left!

Directional panel to spot notable landmarks right in front of us, with some explanations. For example, the section on Wenwu Temple mentioned that it was a combination of two temples back in 1934. Pity it's only in Chinese. 

After Dad had his breakfast, I dragged him up to check out the panoramic 270 degree view and also for more photo taking!  

Curious about these structures on the lake; were they used for fishing or acted as accommodation for visitors? I actually asked during the cruise around Sun Moon Lake and they were boathouses equipped with electricity and water! Hm... toilet how? 

Although there's no gym or swimming pool in the hotel, there's a Children's Playroom and a Reading Area with display of an ancient looking canoe. Outside the hotel, there's also a relaxing area where one can totally chill or have a smoke.  


No. 88, Wenhua St, Yuchi Township, 
Nantou County, Taiwan 

As above. 


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