Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Cruise Down Thu Bon River & Water Lantern Release - Part of Visit to Hoi An Memories Land in Vietnam

Hoi An Memories Land is accessible via land bridges but no, we opted for a unique experience by signing up for a package that included a river cruise and lantern release, in addition to entry to the theme park and a VIP seat for the highly mesmerizing Hoi An Memories Show! 

After congregating at the meet-up point, Hoi An Lantern Park, at 5.45 pm, we were brought to the promenade along Thu Bon River where there were quite a few docked boats. 

This was ours; fronted with a dragon head that looked more like it was decapitated! Honestly, quite a funny sight and the boat appeared a bit too rundown and plain compared to the rest of its competitors.

Wooden seating that raised safety concerns! A few large waves and I bet a few passengers would be thrown overboard. Thankfully, the cruise would be conducted along the calmer, Thu Bon River, instead of the open sea.

A boat operating as a restaurant! I remember we used to have something similar in Singapore and while it was a unique experience; it's terrible for customers with motion sickness! I went in and was literally out after a mere ten minutes! 

Wait, that's Hoi An Memories Land right in front?! Given the supposedly short distance, I wondered if it's easier for me to just walk for about 800-meters, instead of signing up for this slightly pricier package, given my love for walking.

Thankfully, the dragon-headed boat reversed and went towards the opposite direction! This made me felt slightly better since it's more worth my time and effort, instead covering the last leg journey that I could easily achieve with a GRAB ride, or using my pair of legs. 

Boats we saw along the way; many appeared to be private charter although I wonder why they were along this stretch of the river, which was wider and not as vibrant as the area near An Hoi Bridge.

View of Thu Bon River, towards An Hoi Bridge.

Boat guide giving some information which I didn't catch as she was wearing a mask, and I was hard of hearing! Maybe I should get the new Apple airpods that I heard could double up as a hearing aid! 

One sight that remained etched in my memory on Hoi An was the excessive yet dazzling display of lanterns in front of many shops. They truly mesmerized the eyes.

Wait, the boat turned back towards Hoi An Memories Land!?
That's hardly a 10-minute ride before turning back! 

Despite my disappointment, my journey continued with inaudible curses and swears. The bridge on the right would be the other land bridge connecting the island-based Hoi An Memories Land.

The more popular bridge would be the crescent-moon-shaped Impressions Bridge; better connected to the UNESCO World Heritage Site and an easy walk of about a kilometer from Hoi An Lantern Park. 

With its ever changing LED lights, it's a beautiful sight to behold from far. If the water were calm, I bet we could even catch sights of a full moon or full crescent, given the reflection.

Time to disembark; ride took only about 15 minutes. After disembarkation, we were asked to step up to Impressions Bridge, where we shall cross over to Hoi An Memories Land. Click here for more photographs!

Night view of Impressions Bridge!
Taken after the Hoi An Impression Show.

We would be taking the boat back to Hoi An Lantern Park! Frankly, I wasn't very willing as I would very much prefer to walk all 2.4 kilometers back to La Charm Hoi An Hotel & Spa

Main reason why we decided to take the boat ride, again; we could partake in the release of lanterns, without paying a single cent! Now, I may not really like the activity but the stingy scrooge in me couldn't resist when it's already covered in the overall fee. 

Engine for the boat was turned off to enable all the guests to take turns lighting up their lanterns and depositing them into the water. 

By lanterns, I am not referring to those lanterns more commonly seen in Singapore, which would be held up by a rod. The ones used here float on water and the lights come from a lighted tea light candle. 

Bamboo device used to "gently" place the lantern on the water. 

Alex and I with our water lanterns! 
p.s. donning life jacket is a must on the boat.

Let our worries float away! And hope good luck would come our way. Well, I still haven't won my TOTO first prize. Truth be told, it's an activity that didn't appeal to me. Maybe it's a different story if 0

Manage to make out a full moon?
Looks more oblong than round. 

Night view along the river. To put it bluntly, the pictures I took hardly do justice to what I saw using my naked eyes. You have to be there to soak in the atmosphere! 

Saying our goodbyes to the dragon-headed boat. 
If I am visiting Hoi An Memories Land, I am going to walk. 


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