Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mysterious Papua Zone @ Bird Paradise Mandai in Singapore

When a zone has the word "mysterious" in its name, I would be prepared to receive any weird stuff it could throw at me, and maybe scream a few wows along the way.

Sclater's Crowned Pigeon - I remember this was quite a common species found at Jurong Bird Park and they don't seem to be afraid of humans, often roaming about on the ground without a care for the giants (humans).

It's so tempting to get closer to them for a better shot but I remember there were some guidelines at Bird Paradise that warned visitors about standing too close to the birds. Those with shiny accessories had been known to be "attacked". 

The Mysterious Papua Zone was said to have 25 species of birds but given how blind I am, I didn't see the cockadoos and the parrots, although I did catch signs of another pretty bird.

Nicobar Pigeon / Dove, which had frills around the neck, with interesting shades of green against a metallic blue black body plumage. It's like a bird, with its fringe neatly combed back after a hair wash.

Always nice to see a nest as it infers comfort with the environment. Animals in captivity sometimes don't breed well and it's often a big deal when a new life is borned in captivity. In the anthropomorphic mindset, I would say there's nothing much to do except mating.

Woah, I didn't know there are over 750 species of pandan in the world! A common ingredient for local desserts, the species that we are acquainted with would be the "Pandanus amaryllifolius". No way am I going to remember it.

I am confused; is this an emergency message for me to call that number or does it mean I have to call that number if it is an emergency? My English is so bad.

Right behind the message would be the flightless Cassowary which is known as the world's most dangerous bird! Aside from being able to run over 50 kilometers an hour, it has a lethal weapon on its feet; "a long, daggerlike nail" that can be fatal when slashed across.

While it safety remained behind the fence, I read on the web that it can jump 7 feet and that's way taller than the fence! The mysterious Papua can be dangerous. 

Nevertheless, danger drives some humans. 
Just wondering what the feeding entails.


Mysterious Papua Zone,


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    A kick from the cassowary can be fatal.
