
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Rest in Peace (RIP) - Xiaolun (小轮)

In that large custom made tray, underneath that thick layer of wood shavings, we found you and your siblings, barely born an hour ago; full of fur with a vitality untypical of newborn rodents.

You were our favourite of them all; beautiful and playful. Unafraid of human hands, you were the apple of our eyes, delighting us with your little cute gestures. 

Time flies and it's already thirteen years since we first laid our eyes on you. The child in us have grown into selfish adults who have no time for you while you slowly (and painfully) turned into a senior citizen of your species (chinchilla).

We thought you gave us a chance to redeem ourselves last week but i guess the pain must have been unbearable....... when you were found lying silent and motionless in your cage this afternoon.

Xiaolun, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. We could have done much much much more for you....

At least I could have...

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