
Friday, October 04, 2024

Macalister Road Ah Chew Durian @ Penang in Malaysia

Singaporeans are well acquainted with durians from Malaysia but most would likely think of regions like Segamat, Raub given their proximity. Another place that is as famous for durians is actually the Malaysian state of Penang

With the proliferation of stalls on our first day in Penang and that we are true-blue durian lovers, we couldn't resist and decided to satisfy our craving at Macalister Road Ah Chew Durian, which commanded a review rating of 4.4 on Google Maps.

Compared to what we commonly see in Singapore, the durian species were a lot more varied in Penang. Oh well, I only have one stomach and it's easier to go with the ones I can identify with. 

We decided to go with the cat mountain king species which was priced at RM45 per kilogram as the higher range one was already out of stock.  

Our fruit that cost us RM 42. It's honestly quite small although not to the fault of the seller since we did indicate we couldn't stomach a big durian given our dinner and dessert earlier. 

Totalling six flesh-covered seeds, with some flat, and some pretty big. Taste wise, not bad but I expected a fresher, creamier flavor since the durians originated from Penang. Xiaohei in Singapore would be considered better but for only about S$13 a kilogram, I can't complain.  


33, Jln Macalister, George Town, 
11400 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

As above. 

As above.

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