
Friday, March 17, 2023

First Time Firing a Gun - An AK47 @ National Defence Sport Shooting Range in Ho Chi Minh City [Vietnam]

I am a true blue Singaporean and like all Singaporean males, I had to go through national service. However, unlike most of them, I had never fired a gun before. 

Therefore, you can imagine my excitement when I was brought to a shooting range, which was part of our half day tour to Cu Chi Tunnels at Ho Chi Minh City!  

Entrance was like going into a bunker! 
A very suitable setting for the activity.

Passage was wide and the walls appeared to have a fresh coat of paint. To play up the atmosphere, I thought they should have narrow passages which would require us to crouch, just like those legendary ones at Cu Chi Tunnels.

Passed the tunnel to find this relatively homely setting. 
It would have looked lovely as the entry for a quaint, little cafe.

Registering for the type of guns we would want to fire from, and the number of bullets. You are charged based on the number of bullets and it can range from 40,000 Dong to 60,000 Dong (between S$2.30 - S$3.50) each! Wars are expensive! 

Minimum to fire would be five bullets.
I purchased ten which was the norm.

Type of guns to choose from; K63, AK47, RPK, RPD, M16, K54, M60, M30, Garand, Carbine, PKMS. Don't ask me the differences; in games like Left 4 Dead 2, I always go for the more well known AK47 or M16.

Memorabilia; for Singaporeans, do note that we are not allowed to bring bullets back to our little red dot, even if they had been fired. To put it in better context, even fake bullets are disallowed back into our safe haven.

Got our shooting ear muffs and stepped out into the shooting range. A guy was firing the gun and boy I didn't know the noise can be so deafening! Every shot and it felt that the ground was trembling! How did those soldiers endure such noise on the war fields?! My heart goes out to Ukraine. :( 

The range was gated to prevent crazy people from running out, and getting shot. It may seem impossible but when you have families with toddlers; always good to play safe and have some measures in place. 

Guns were also fixed to the top of the wall so that rogue gunners wouldn't be able to move, point and fire the guns at people standing behind them. Imagine someone who got triggered and decided to kill all his/her travel companions! 

My friend talking his first shot! 

A true marksman would be able to hit the black areas. Given that it's my first time holding and firing a gun, I wonder if I have the talent to be a marksman. We shall find out shortly. 

The Great Kon having his turn.
I needed to observe first.

Staff member replacing the bullets in the cartridge. If only we can have the opportunity to put them, like in the movies. It's okay, better leave them to the professionals, in case our wrong placement resulted in misfire.

Empty boxes of bullets! 

Spent bullets; just wondering if we could just take them or they would be repurposed. Knowing I can't bring back to Singapore means I didn't even bother to ask.

My turn! 

Clearly an amateur; or maybe I was too short. It was fun even though I was clearly not aiming and just enjoyed firing the AK47 for that booming noise after pulling the trigger! Well, at least I managed to hit the hill. 

Close-up of the AK47. To be honest, not much of a special feeling.
I think it would be more enjoyable if I can use a sniper rifle though. 

Bullet and cartridge on the ground!  

Video that was kindly taken by my friend to showcase my first time firing a gun! What else should I strike off my bucket list? Maybe paragliding at Hanoi?


Part of the Củ Chi Tunnels Half Day Tour
Purchased from 

Price List for the Guns

As above. 

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