
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Khánh Vy Sweets - Local Vietnamese Desserts @ Ho Chi Minh City [Vietnam]

Desserts after meals are always desirable and for that reason, we walked almost a kilometer away from Ho Thi Ky Food Street, in Ho Chi Minh City, to this residential neighborhood that was served mainly the locals.

Main reason; to check out Khánh Vy Sweets! 

Serving traditional Vietnamese desserts that appeared similar to what we have in Singapore, albeit with some variations, I guess the key question to ask then would be: which one should we ordered? 

That question wasn't hard to answer in Khánh Vy Sweets as the operator offered small sampling portions so that you can try all sixteen desserts if you have the company and / or a big stomach to ingest everything! 

Finding a table was tricky as the place was fully packed at almost 9.00 pm! Thankfully, the friendly staff managed to secure a table for us. 

My friend, a guy who towers over me, was lamenting it was a unique dining experience, where he was squatting, although seated, and his hands had to rest on his thighs! Given my shorter legs, it was right at home for me.

Free tra da (plain tea) for all customers. That's really good customer service for a stall by the roadside that wasn't know for charging exorbitant pricing. 

Our tray of desserts!

Full glory - an impressive 13 desserts in total, to be shared among the four of us. From the serving size, it did seem like we should be able to stomach everything even though on second thought, we should have removed Alex from the equation given how small an eater he is.

Based on what I had, the dishes should be mung bean paste with rice and coconut milk, dumplings in ginger soup, bean paste dumplings, black sesame paste, green bean soup, red bean soup, mixed bean soup, mixed grain with cream, tao suan, caramel with coffee, coconut jelly and two others that I couldn't pinpoint.

Personally, I think it's worth a try if you are in a big group. Most of the desserts tasted about the same as coconut cream was often thrown in. I love the coconut jelly as it was different from the rest; the mung bean paste with rice and coconut milk was also quite a novelty, like eating ang ku kueh without the skin. Tao suan was too sticky and sweet for me! 

We didn't even finish everything yet we were on the verge of a sugar overdose! You want to guess how much this platter cost us? In total, only 129,000 Dong (about S$7.50). In Hong Kong, ONE dessert would have already cost that much! 


Chung cư, 32 lô H, Ngô Gia Tự, Phường 2, 
Quận 10, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam

As above. 

13 desserts - 129,000 Dong
Wet Tissue - 2,000 Dong

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