
Sunday, July 03, 2022

What The Pug - A Unique Pet Petting Experience @ Haji Lane [Singapore]

Haji Lane is one area I would strongly recommend to new travelers to Singapore; it has an exclusive chillax vibe different from the rest of the country. 

There were many interesting shops and while there is a Meomi Cat Cafe nearby for cat lovers; dog lovers would be pleased to know that there's a "What The Pug" along Haji Lane! As the name goes, it's reserved primarily for the dog species we know as pug! 

I am refraining from calling it a dog cafe though, as its concept is a bit unique; which I only got to know more after attending the 45-minute "show".

My cousin got the multi-pass card for S$120, for seven sessions and we decided to check out the shop together with my mom, niece, nephew and sister! Legit, professional looking ticket was passed to each of us, while we waited for the venue to be ready for the "show".
Special attention was paid to the store's decoration; I would have put it as over the top but it also reflects the owner's love and dedication to everything that's pug related. 

Pug lovers would have plenty to purchase, even if you didn't attend the show! I love animals in general and even though there are species I like, for example, corgis; it's really the connection you feel with the canine that really matters. One of the dogs I love the most, aside from Rubee, was a stray black dog that took residence as the in-house pet when I was working at Pet Resource Centre at Serangoon Garden. 

After removing our shoes, we would have to wash our hands, to protect everyone! As with current regulations for indoor venues, we were required to be masked up at all times. 

The rules and regulations, dos and don'ts; too many to absorb and I doubt anyone would take the time and effort to read and digest all the content before the show begins. If you are interested, feel free to download the picture above and read it before visiting What The Pug.

Placing our belongings at the storage case provided. Guess the reason why no one put anything at the most bottom? For practical reason, in case the pugs pee pee! 

A baby gate separated us from the seven / eight pugs. These were the younger / highly energetic ones that need a physical barrier; failing which they would pounce at anyone with heightened excitement. 

There were a few pugs in the "audience" area though; older, mature individuals who didn't react to our presence. They were happy where they were, and didn't even move a limb when we entered. 

Taking the opportunity to take photos before the rest of the ticket-holders stepped in. The area wasn't big and was quite a squeeze once you add in the humans (around 15) and the pugs.

More photos of the free roaming pugs.  

Ring master and owner, Zach (I think) giving a short introduction (in English) before the "show" began. He shared that he had seven shops along Haji Lane and a total number of 12 pugs, of which 11 were here. 

Releasing the horde!!

The "impact" wasn't as bad as expected; the pugs rushed out, found their comfortable preferred spots, and practically just laid there waiting for people to pet! 

Jerald's favorite! 

I am trying to get the kids to persuade my mom to keep a dog / cat at home. As the children are no longer staying with them, I thought having a pet would help make my parents' life more purposeful, other than their usual working routine. Well, have yet to succeed.

Mugshots of the pugs; at "work" that day were four black pugs and seven beige ones. Generally, they were quite docile, didn't bark much and the smell was manageable. I would have expected worse given that many dogs have the tendency to drool.

Pugs are so squishy! 

Don't believe?
Check out the video above! 

Zach stepping in to drum up the quiet atmosphere by posing some questions; those who answered correctly would get a prize! Questions ranged from who was born on new year's eve to why he has 12 pugs. 

Mom won a prize; a free mug with cute images of pugs! Anyway, some of you might wonder why Zach has 12 pugs. Answer is that it represented 12 years of his relationship which is coming to be 13 years; which means he is going to add on one member soon. 

This wasn't an optimal illusion; the frames were hung on the ceiling, facing down! As someone who looks at safety at work, this was disturbing. 

Aside from being squishy, pugs have such an endearing expression! To the extent you just want to drop anything you are doing and give them a tight hug! 

Being short haired species, they have a tendency to shed quite a lot as compared to long haired canines like Shih Tzu. I think my mom totally didn't expect so much fur on on her dark colored pants.

Each ticket allowed access to petting, one free drink and also a free polaroid. We can each choose our favorite pug to take picture with and Zach would be the professional photographer to entice the respective pug to look at the camera for the perfect shot.

For the rest of my family! 

Why were the pugs looking at Zach? Was it because they love him so much until his every movement would be monitored? The reason is much simpler.

Attention was then transformed to the couple beside me! 

The allure of treats; resulting in a flurry of activity among the greedy pugs, who would gunning to be the first to snack! I like dogs that love treats, as it makes training much easier. 

I got a bag at S$3.00 to share with my family members. Even though I can afford to buy more, treats are not healthy and hence, should be given in moderation. 

Coming to the end of the 45-minute session. The pugs seemed to be aware that their 'performance' would be over and obediently went back to their original spots.

A wide-angled shot that shall give you a better perspective on the space used for the petting session; quite cramped if you ask me but the pugs were within reach! 

The session had ended, yet not concluded. 

Just a stone's throw away would be another store, also called What The Pug. However, this was a F&B takeaway with options for wrap, prawn fritter, oyster cake, macaroon, fries, drinks etc.   

This would be where we would collect our polaroid shots and also the free drinks. A good marketing ploy if you ask me. After the petting session, more than 10 of us would enter the shop and those walking along Haji Lane would assume there would be something good and hence, patronize. 

Menu for your reference.

Our complimentary drink consisted of either mineral water or cans of soft drinks like ice cream soda and sarsi. I wasn't keen and opted for the top up of S$2.00 for a milk tea! 

A waste of my S$2; the tea was diluted and there was absolutely no sweetness. The saving grace was that this should be considered as healthier and suitable for health freaks. 

Collecting our Polaroid shots! I should have done what the couple did; by giving up my share for a group photo. That would have been a lot more memorable than individual shot.

On a final note; all my selfies with the pugs! In a nutshell, What The Pug isn't a cafe; it's more an entity where you can get a squishy therapy from the lovable pugs. 45 minutes might not appear long but any longer and it would likely be boring for me. p.s. I am an impatient person.


80 Haji Lane
Singapore 189271

As above.

Operating Hours
12.00 pm to 8.00 pm
(Closed on Mondays)

Online Booking

S$20 per person for a 45-minute session
(Online booking strongly recommended)

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