
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Loving The Biscuit King @ Casuarina Road

Digging deep into my memory, i recollected this particular scene where my late grandma used to throw me a few sticks of elongated plain biscuits to keep (active) me occupied.

Back then, television shows were crappy and limited to only a few hours a day. Children shows were non-existent, technology was pretty primitive (no iphone, no ds lite) and i was stuck in a wooden chair that didn't allow much movement.

Those old school biscuits left a deep impression as i loved the flaky crunch that came with each bite. Unfortunately, as the country advances, we are faced with an influx of many types of biscuits imported from other countries.

Soon, the traditional type we know by its distinctive bronze storage tins slowly vanished from sight, replaced by tins/packaging that are more colourful and attractive to consumers.

I am glad that all's not lost.
When i found Biscuit King.

Unlike most convenience stores that sell only a limited variety, Biscuit King has over 75 different types of traditional biscuits!

Munchers will have a great time looking through these different packs of small-sized bags for the go. Note: impulsive munchers will not 'look'; they will just grab and go!

And it's not just the carbohydrates! Preggies (my terminology for pregnant ladies) will love the extensive range of sour products to curb that naseau feeling!

Costing S$1.50 a bag, it's a buy 4 get 1 free! Damn! Hate it when retailers come out with promotions like this!

Adult kids, like myself, reminisce the old times when sweets are just sweets, each with a unique flavour of its own. It's a pity that sweets nowadays seem to veer towards flavours that were too complicated at times.

Coming back to the biscuits!! If you are a skeptical person like myself, having a large variety of biscuits does not necessarily equate to fresh biscuits of high quality with a taste (and aroma) to kill.

That's when sampling is essential to allay those fears!

For me, i find it really difficult whenever weight is used to gauge how much you want from those tins. Come on, how the hell will i know that each wafer weighs how many grams?!?! And i don't want too much; like only 20 pieces?

That's when i appreciate the business strategy Biscuit King adopts; offering ready-to-go packaging that ranges from a 300 grams sealed plastic bag to a high quality container that can withstand a few days of snacking.

So far, i have never been disappointed with the biscuits in Biscuit King (the samples are damn helpful) even though most of them are sourced from various manufacturers. Below are a few types i personally like;

Vanilla Rolls! The sweet fragrance of rich vanilla made eating this so addictive!!

Cheese Cream Biscuits! The cheesiness was not overbearing and may not go well with extreme cheese lovers. It's just right for me though.

Jewel Biscuits! When i was young, i enjoyed biting the brightly coloured sugary topping off the boring, carbo bottom! And it's wasteful that the bottoms were mostly condemned to the dustbin!

Vanilla Cream Biscuits! Almost like Oreo, this had a thicker vanilla filling and tasted so fresh! I remember a few stale experiences with Oreo biscuits. =_=

Corn Cream Biscuits! The whole combi was just too irresistible!!

Custard Cream Biscuits! My favourite and a must-buy every time i am in Biscuit King!


130 Casuarina Road
(Along the shophouses with Paris Spring and Casuarina Curry)

Additional Information
As you can see above, Biscuit King has been featured many, many times!

Many shops will gladly sell you a tin but they only sell it with ONE pathetic flavour. In Biscuit King, you can choose 4 different types of biscuits to one tin! And each tin starts from S$30 depending on your selection.

Oh! Free delivery for orders above S$50! And despite its traditional products, technology is heavily utilised in this shop!

Do visit their website at to place your order online. Or you could be an old fashioned customer like myself; visit their shop every time the craving works up!

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