
Monday, December 06, 2010

White Carrot Cake @ Nam Heng Restaurant (南興餐室)

I was supposed to blog on my recent department's cruise but i am really too tired to sieve through the hundreds of pictures.

Since i still have the pictures for Nam Heng Restaurant (南興餐室) and my memory is still fresh, let's touch on the other breakfast item i had when i was there; carrot cake.

White version is never my choice when it comes to carrot cake.

I have always preferred the gooey black carrot cake that is sweet and savory and especially enjoy a plate that has the black black carrot cake diced up into very small pieces and fried with a lot of eggs!

Maybe it was diners' pressure that fateful because i knew i had to have a white carrot cake after seeing so many tables having plates of white instead of black!

So what's my noob verdict on white carrot cake (my last was 10 years ago i think)?

More accustomed to its sweeter black sibling, the white variant was a bit too plain for me. It was savoury with bits of salted radish enhancing the flavour. 

It was definitely not disappointing; not when the carrot cake was covered with such a generous amount of eggs!

At S$2 a plate, the serving was decent and prawns (one normal sized, one puny sized) were added with no obvious change to the taste.


Shall try the black one soon! Rubee needs to visit the vet (the clinic is very near to Nam Heng) again this Saturday! Sighz... Another cash outflow. :(

949 Upper Serangoon Road

Catch my last post on Nam Heng Restaurant HERE.


  1. I also prefer the black carrot cake. Yum!

  2. Ya!!! they are just so good right?!?!?! maybe i should try the black version in Nam Heng tomorrow. Hahaha.
