
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Really Random

There are so many things i can post on my blog but i find that each of them will take up a significant portion of my time, which is really limited when i am so freaking busy with work!!!

Currently, i am looking through the 25,255 picture files in my computer and see what i can talk about today.

I always get a guilty feeling whenever i miss a day of blogging. Not for anyone but myself. It's really interesting to read through the archives and see how much i have changed over the years.

Let's stop being emo about life in general (i shall save it for another day) and take a look at the following pictures to lighten the mood.

The snake demoness (she was mosaiced because of a confidentiality clause) was captured by my Fa-Hai inspired metal bowl that has the holy capability to absorb all evil beings!

This extremely powderful bowl can absorb multiple beings, even those with a low level of evil thoughts. The above was a kah kia of the demoness and was captured purely because i totally cannot stand his qian-bian face (which i forced him to do)! Wahaha.

I am going to abruptly end this post as the sleeping bug is bugging me!


  1. Anonymous12:56 AM

    the demoness really looks vile and nefarious. i thank thee for subduing such her. i agree with the qian bian portion for the kah kia. Metal demons subduing bowls for the win!

  2. hahahaha. i dun need to guess to know who you are! You have a classic picture on subduing a dragon right?

  3. Wah, your office has nice view. So jealous. And I see the 'must have' thing on the noticeboards of people handling curriculum matters - Academic Calendar :) Can I know what are the small bottles in front of the files on the right side of your offic photo?

  4. Hehehe. Can see kingfishes at times. Heard that there is a family of owls too!

    Those small bottles are candies i bought from Nippn-Ya! Six or seven flavours!
