
Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Lost Your iPhone?

I am a professional when it comes to losing things and although i have not lost any of my mobile phones in recent years (touch wood), i used to misplace them every six months!

The best thing? There's nothing i can do about it!!

Hence, you can imagine how excited i was when i read the above headline on The Straits Times (click the picture to read the details)!

Thinking it will be another great reason for me to persuade my colleagues (note: Hannah Lim) to switch to iPhone, i eagerly downloaded the application.

I have even told myself i have to inform Hannah tomorrow that iPhone has a FREE application that is proven to miraculously locate your lost phone, even if it's stolen lor!

After taking more than half an hour to transfer all my purchases, back up my iPhone and update the software to version 4.2.1, i was abruptly shown the screen (below) when i attempted to verify the totally necessary MobileMe.

iPhone 3GS is

F*beep*Ck! I hate you Steve Jobs!
Having said that, iPhone4 shall be on my wish list!

*after 10 minutes*
Damn, i really hate Apple products!!!

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