
Saturday, November 20, 2010

A New Aim In Life

A New Aim
In Life

It may not be such a bad thing that i decided not to remove a particular application from my iPhone after reaching a new high of 10,000 coins three months ago.

Yes peeps; the coin dozer is back with more bite! No thanks to bloody alex who made this announcement that was received with mixed feelings for me!!

Will i spend my precious time (again) on challenging myself? Six stars for the new prize, sunglasses? Shall i forgo my sleep to see if I can go beyond level 100?

In the past three hours, I have managed to gain more than 30 levels! The journey will only be more time consuming and treacherous as i slowly level up.

Wish me good luck as i found another new aim in life; one that's seriously pathetic.... Wahahahaha.

I need an overseas trip!

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