
Thursday, July 08, 2010

Hair for Hope

As some of my fellow friends in facebook know, i have signed up for the hair for hope event this year at Vivocity!

Yes, i am forgoing my rapidly thinning hair for a look that have not been seen or captured for the past 9 years!

So what's Hair for Hope?

A few friends told me that the reason for shaving the hair is to provide raw materials to make wigs for children with cancer.

The real reason is more noble than that!

We all know that chemotherapy, one of the aftermath process of cancer treatment, causes hair loss. Through this symbolic gesture of shaving our heads, we are showing our moral support to all children with cancer and letting them know that there's nothing wrong with being bald!

To tell you the truth, i used to be pretty affected with bad hair cuts. However, as i grow older, appearance is no longer as important as before and no matter what, hair will still grow anyway.

Whether they are limited to the whole head or one part of the head or another part of the body is another issue!!

My sacrifice pales in comparison with the 200 over ladies who vow to show their support for this event by shaving their hair!

THAT is what i called courageous and noble!

If you wish to contribute your support for the Children's Cancer Foundation (organiser of Hair for Hope), please visit their website HERE!

Or you can always show your support physically at the Hair for Hope event on 25 July 2010 (8am to 10pm) at VivoCity!

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