
Friday, July 09, 2010

Trembling with Anger

I have always wondered how the above feeling will be like. At 30 years old, i finally know how it feels like.

This afternoon, i experienced extreme anger (not felt in my three years in NUS) and to tell you the truth, this particular incident is still stinging my emotions!

My whole weekend is burnt because of this! 

Don't think you can get away from this just because you are in a bad mood! I have been accommodating without sounding rude so please do not take my niceness for granted!

And you work in an education industry for goodness sake!

I feel sad for the students who would be reading incorrect or confusing information due to your unwillingness (or should i say incompetence)?!

You want to play office politics?
Go ahead and fucking play it yourself!

Karma will not help your sincere prayers as it will be deemed as pseudo in the impartial eyes of god. And don't expect to go to heaven.

It will never never never happen to you!

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