
Thursday, September 26, 2024

New Lane Chinese Traditional Dessert @ Penang in Malaysia

A moment of sadness enveloped me when we chanced upon the busy New Lane Street Foodstalls. With so much food, it's a pity this had to come after we had dinner, for which I doubt I could have another full meal.

Nevertheless, I still kept a lookout on what I could sample just for the sake of trying something from this night time food street! Okay, the above looked promising! 

Selling local Chinese desserts by the name of New Lane See Koe Thng, my stomach can definitely work out something for desserts! And I recall having the see koe thng when I was in Penang in 2016; good to reminisce the memory after so long.

Although it was a makeshift stall, tables and chairs were set up nearby for their customers. There's even a reservation note pasted to indicate it is "reserved" for Chinese desserts customers. 

My bowl of see koe thng and Alex's bowl of red bean soup. See Koe Thng actually translates into "four-fruit-soup" and I remember it tasted like my favorite dessert; cheng tng! 

The four "fruits" should be gingko nuts, lotus seeds, longan and red bean. Cheng Tng sometimes uses more ingredients although they almost never add in red beans, which are considered heaty and cheng tng was touted as a cooling dessert.

Good thing about this; not too sweet although the bitterness from the red beans left a relatively bad taste at the back of the mouth. Frankly, not as nice as the one I had along Kimberley Street. The ginkgo nuts were also overcooked; resulting in them being overly hard.

I still managed to drink up the "soup" which wasn't too bad. Alex's order of red bean soup fared worse; the dessert was watered down and the red beans were not mashed up. Knowing our dear Alex, he literally pushed this away after a few mouthfuls. 


Lot 12, New Lane Street Foodstalls,
Along Lorong Baru, 10450 George Town, 
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

As above.

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