
Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Sunflower Garden @ Changi International Airport Terminal 2 Transit Area [Singapore]

The sunflower garden at Changi Airport Terminal 2 (transit area) had been around for quite a while and I was wonder if there were any drastic change ever since the pandemic, when the terminal underwent a major upgrading!

From memory, it didn't seem to have changed much. Still as empty as people, and with smokers contributing to the visitor numbers as the garden had a smoking corner. 

I did notice some subtle difference at closer look; there was this variety of red color sunflower! Naively, I always thought sunflowers were the bright yellow type and there were in fact over 70 varieties under the genus, Helianthus! 

Personally, I still prefer the common sunflower which best represents the sun, and reminded me of happiness, positivity and cheerful; quality and traits we should have in our short life.  

Anyway, don't expect huge swathes of sunflower plots at the airport. It's more a themed garden with sunflowers being the main, but not the only plants around, although I would love to have the sight filed with nothing but just sunflowers when I stepped out from the air-conditioned comfort of the airport.

Like the above!

More photographs for your reference. According to the write up on the airport's website, "All the sunflowers displayed at Changi Airport are grown in the group’s nursery. Every month, the nursery produces at least 2,000 sunflowers. They take up to 90 days to flower, depending on weather conditions and the species. Sunflowers grow to a height of up to 1.5m, and flower heads can be as wide as 15cm.".

I didn't see such a big flower head though. Back in my last trip to Taiwan, at Zhongshe Flower Market, the sunflowers were a lot more impressive, towering over me with flowers as big as my head! 

Another new thing I noticed at the Sunflower Garden were the numerous alien-like contraptions that stick out from right above the sunflowers, and pointing towards them.

They also looked like the claws from claw machines! I noted there were LED lights in the center of the "claw" and figured they were for the growth of the sunflowers, especially at night when there is not much light in the area. 

Many buds had yet to flower!


Changi International Airport Terminal 2,
Transit Level 2. 

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