
Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Mel's Western Chicken Chop @ Marsiling Mall Hawker Centre in Woodlands [Singapore] #marsilinghawkercentre

Alex had been talking about a chicken chop from a stall called Mel's Barbecue Western at Marsiling Mall hawker centre for the past few weeks, and given my love for chicken chop; I was finally persuaded to check it out this evening! 

Ordering was a breeze but without a paging system; you literally have to pop over whenever you hear the call bell being hit. Thankfully, it was just a 10-minute wait and we were seated nearby; Alex went over no less than four times though before securing the above plate of classic looking chicken chop.

Attacking the coleslaw first and I wasn't disappointed; crunchy, creamy and sweet, the way I love it! And even the fries were the traditional shoestring kind, fried to a crisp and fresh from the boiling oil. Only issue was that they went soft pretty fast! 

The expectation on the chicken chop was heightened and I happily cut a slice and popped it into my mouth. Drenched in black pepper sauce, the meat was juicy yet its marination failed to impress; most of the taste came from the sauce which was salty and overly peppery. 

I told Alex this wasn't a bad chicken chop; however, it was maybe just a 6.0 for me. After a long day at work, I was looking forward to a good dinner and while I was digging into this chicken chop from Mel's Western; I was thinking of the Western Barbeque's chicken chop at Old Airport Road Hawker Centre!


4 Woodlands Street 12, 
#01-37, Marsiling Mall,
Singapore 738623

As above.

Chicken Chop - S$7.00

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