
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Christmas 2023 - Unwrapping the Presents

It's more than a month since Christmas 2023 but as I was overseas (to Taiwan) and had been busy with work (and a study arrowed by my big, big, big boss); it was only in recent weeks that I finally got time to unwrap the Christmas gifts! 

Interestingly, I got many large parcels this year and befitting the more common environmental theme, some friends did away with wrappers and just put the presents in unsealed paper bags. p.s. that's fine for me actually. 

Some were double wrapped though! Like this humongous, and heavy, box that I had a hard time bringing home from work! Note that my commute from work to home is about an hour! 

Unwrapped presents, including mug, chocolates, tea, coffee, biscuits, spa treatment products; latter was likely because this particular friend was aware of the increasing stress I am having nowadays. I should also pamper myself by signing up for a snorkeling package to Tioman Island

Don't be mistaken by assuming this would be a perfume. It's perfumey alright although the purpose was more for your poo! I might be full of shit but how did this colleague know that my shit can be so insanely smelly that this would likely dampen the stench?! 

Two piggy banks to add to my stash! Just a note: I like piggy banks in the shape of pigs; even though the left one looked more like a reindeer, I believe drawing a pig snout might change its intended species. 

Orange rinds filled with white chocolate, from the famous Jeju oranges! This would be the kind of supposedly psychologically "healthy" snacks that I could indulge in. 

These were unhealthy but who can resist the delicious bar chocolate from Royce?! You know what's another thing I can't resist from Royce Chocolate? The potatochip chocolate and this is coming from a guy who doesn't crave for potato chips!

As a kid, there were things I told myself I would buy when I am older, and can earn my own money. Plasma balls were one of them and another would be the Sandscape Moving Sand Picture display! Only problem is that I don't really have much space for these displays, and I don't use night lights too.

Another reason why I was so delayed for this gift unwrapping post. I met up with a few friends recently and Christmas gifts were also passed round the table!

Thermal mug, tea bags from Gryphon Tea Company (where I typically paid S$5 per tea bag in ice cream parlors) and silicone straws; I am going to pass maybe one or two straws to my parents as they would be much safer than those metal straws.

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