
Saturday, December 02, 2023

Nyonya Secrets @ Melaka in Malaysia

Breakfast on the first morning in Melaka should have been fulfilled at Nyonya Secrets but I overlooked the operating hours, and had to go to the nearby Kedai Minuman Siang Chiang (香江茶室) instead. 

When we were done, the doors for Nyonya Secrets had opened; and despite the meal we just had, I persuaded my companions to go in for just some "desserts" that wouldn't "harm". 

The restaurant radiated a setting filled with childhood nostalgia although I don't think it would be applicable to those born from the mid 1980s.

Old school snacks, housed in a vintage cabinet that had its four legs standing on two small bowls; a primitive method before refrigeration that was said to keep out ants.

Good, old warmer flask, kerosene lamps and a large bottle of Horlicks. Nowadays, you don't really see advertisement of horlicks, more from its competitor, Milo. 

Jewel and ear biscuits! For the former, I still remember how, as kids, we would only bit off and eat the colorful "jewels". The base would sometimes be discarded. 

Classic comic books, featuring Old Master Q, that can be found at hair salons! It's interesting to note that Nyonya Secrets even provided games like Chinese Chess, Uno etc. I should have played the aeroplane game with my niece! 

Display corner using a re-purposed sewing machine.

Recognized the discarded milo tin and its purpose in a convenience store? It's a sort of pulley system used to keep money "safer" and it is usually attached with bells so that owners would know when anyone attempts to take money out of it. 

See how it works from the above video! 

Photo-taking time! 

Snacks and kuehs at the counter. Nyonya Secrets also served toasts and local food like mee siam, nasi lemak, fried rice, laksa etc. Pity we were too full for such heavy meals. 

Hainanese Coffee - I didn't like the coffee at Siang Chiang and this was so much better tasting! Thick and frothy, this was aromatic and gave me, mentally, a great start to the day! 

Nyonya Kuehs - our desserts which were served in unsustainable plastic boxes. Anyway, would you know which nyonya kuehs we have chosen?

From left to right; they were kueh kosui, kueh ubi and sri muka! I would have loved to order more but my companions were not huge fans of nyonya kuehs, unlike me! 

My verdict on their kuehs; kosui was nice but could have been sweeter and served chill. Kueh ubi had that noticeable tapioca taste with a corresponding rough texture whereas sri muka had a layer of sweet potato and another layer of pumpkin. All of them were not bad even though my favorite had to be kueh ubi! 

Ondeh Ondeh Cake - I can't resist not ordering this as gula melaka was said to be the best in Melaka (hence the namesake) and gula melaka was a major ingredient for ondeh ondeh. 

Turned out to be the best ondeh ondeh cake I had in my whole; cake was fluffy, not dense and I was so so taken by the fragrance creaminess from the desiccated coconuts that gelled perfectly with the tasty, not cloyingly sweet gula melaka! 


60, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 
Kampung Jawa, 75100 Melaka, 

As above. 

As above.

Hainanese Coffee (Hot) - RM 2.50
Nyonya Kuehs - RM 3.00 pack
Ondeh Ondeh Cake - RM 11.90

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