
Saturday, September 30, 2023

La Mensa Cafe @ Hanoi [Vietnam]

We had some time to spend before our dinner appointment and decided to check out this bright, pretty good-rated cafe less than 100 meters from the restaurant. Our legs definitely deserved some rest after all the walking along Hanoi Weekend Walking Streets! 

I don't know how to describe this interior design style; there's like a mix of English colonial blended with French cafe decor. Nevertheless, the environment was comfy and suitable for us to while our time for the next hour or so.

Those preferring people watching can consider this tiny balcony stretch which overlooked a busy intersection. Pray for good weather as you would get wet if it is raining heavily.

Intersection - with no traffic lights, it's amazing how vehicles and pedestrians can co-exist so perfectly. I have to admit that Vietnamese has arguably the best driving skill so far. 

This stall, Phở Gà Hàng Điếu, appeared popular! I know it's ga means chicken and pho is what most of us would know; the famous soup noodle that I have no liking for. One thing that caught my attention; the grilled meat in the same eatery! They smelt soooooo good.

Back to the cafe; we originally wanted just some drinks but the fridge contained one type of cake that I knew I die-die must try; black forest cake that cost just 49,000 dong (about S$2.75).

Iced Pandan Lotus Tea - despite the addition of the word lotus, I would say this was literally just pandan water with sugar. While refreshing, I am mindful that I would be as capable to make this myself, at a fraction of the cost, without the cream on top. 

Black Forest Cake - nothing particularly stood out and I would be better off with the classic, old school black forest cake from Han's Cafe and Cake House.


Although La Mensa Cafe had a comfortable setting, two things deterred me from revisiting. The first was the lipstick mark on one of the the glass cups, which inferred a lot on hygiene and cleanliness.

Second was the service; I am aware that 2,000 dong wasn't much, translating into just 10 Singapore cents but the counter crew just assumed I don't need the change after I paid the bill with 100,000 dong. When I enquired, which I shouldn't have to, the response was "no change".

2 Hàng Điếu, Cửa Đông, 
Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, Vietnam

As above.

As above.

Iced Pandan Lotus Tea - 49,000 Dong
Black Forest Cake - 49,000 Dong

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