
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Humongous Milo Drink @ Siam Carnival Fair in Bangkok [Thailand]

Fun fairs in Singapore concentrated mainly on rides but the Siam Carnival Fair my Thai friend brought me to recently was surrounded by a ton of food stalls!

In addition to the fried silk worms, another stall that attracted my attention was one selling an extremely common beverage that can be found in Singapore too; Milo. 

What caught my eye was their humongous 4-liter option; original price was supposedly 399 baht! Promotional pricing was 299 baht and it came with this exclusive milo ice box, for free! 

Half filled with ice, it was heap after heap of the milo powder before they filled up the ice box with liquid milo, and then with more milo powder at the end; absolutely a mental sugar rush! 

Of course, it was delicious, especially with so much milo powder topping! Those who were taken aback by milo dinosaur would likely have their minds blown away with this ice box filled with milo. Thankfully, there were five of us to finish it up!

I would have loved to keep the ice box but it was a tad too bulky for my luggage. Furthermore, despite the catch to lock up the lid, it wasn't airtight enough although it might still function as a liberal ice box when guests come over to my house. Whatever the case, I passed it to my Thai friend who would have better use for it. 

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