
Friday, July 12, 2019

My First Authentic Hong Kong Breakfast @ 漢都茶餐廳 [Next to Panda Hotel]

My first meal in Hong Kong was nothing to scream about as KFC is found in most countries, including Singapore! Hence, we made it a point to check out authentic Hong Kong food for breakfast the next day!

Being lazy people, we popped by 漢都茶餐廳 which was just a stone's throw from our hotel.

Decision making is hard when we didn't want to travel but things are easier when you see the place pretty crowded and there were menus (literally posters with photographs and pricing) posted all over the place!

Milk Coffee - i needed my coffee fix and this was my first and last Hong Kong coffee (Starbucks and Pacific Coffee not counted). It didn't have that enticing aroma commonly found in Singaporean coffee and tasted pretty weak; obviously failed to perk me up.

Pork Chop Double Egg with Buttered Bread - no complaint about two slices of soft and fluffy bread with a butter middle. Well, the eggs were nicely fried although deeper frying (resulting in a light crisp) would have been better.

I was more looking forward to my pork chop; thinly sliced, it's only lightly marinated and an option better than the saltier (and usual) bacon. Overall unimpressive although it gave me the feeling this was comfort food that could have only come from home.


No 162, Tsuen Wan Market St,
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

As above

Milk Coffee - 15 HKD
Pork Chop Double Egg with Buttered Bread - 36 HKD

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