
Saturday, July 06, 2019

First Meal in Hongkong - Grilled Japanese Salt Chicken @ Panda Place's KFC

I knew a trip to any of the fast food restaurants in Hong Kong is inevitable if I travel with Alex but I didn't expect it to happen on the very first day of my visit to the former colonial jewel.

Yes, we paid a visit to KFC as it was already late afternoon (about 4pm plus) and we had yet to have lunch! KFC sounded like an extremely good option when we were simply too lazy to seek out eateries with positive reviews!

To substantiate my reasoning, KFC Hong Kong apparently uses fresh, whole chickens which means the chicken would likely taste better than Singapore's version as the latter was rumored for a long time to have used frozen chicken.

Our meal for two; wrong order by Alex who doesn't speak Cantonese and claimed that the order-taker had misunderstood what he wanted. Well, I should blame myself then since, in terms of the language, I am slightly more proficient.

Because those who know me would be aware I am unlikely to order rice in a fried chicken restaurant; even at Arnolds Chicken, my usual order is 2 or 3 pieces of fried chicken, without any side. And on the tray was this serving of rice with mushroom gravy! It tasted quite alright but I left more than half uneaten.

Another reason for trying KFC in Hong Kong - they came out with these grilled Japanese salt chicken! Okay, I am unsure if this special was launched in Singapore since, to be honest, I am not exactly a KFC fan back home.

The chicken meat was moist and juicy although the bone did appear to be dark which is a giveaway sign (according to my mom) that it's likely to be frozen. Anyone else can confirm? Anyway, in terms of taste, it didn't take my breath away but I did quite like the thin, grilled chicken skin; made me feel a bit healthier.


For your reference! 

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