
Saturday, February 09, 2013

Chinese New Year's Eve Reunion LUNCH!


Many of us would talk about reunion dinner when it comes to the Chinese New Year's eve but in the case of my family, the sister's marriage almost a decade ago means she has to decide WHERE to spend her reunion dinner (trust me, it is a sensitive issue). 

For two years, we actually have reunion lunch instead of dinner! From what i read in the newspapers, this is getting to be quite an acceptable norm in Singapore's society.

This year's reunion was lunch based and it was held right at home where my mom proudly showed her culinary prowess. There is the customary steamboat (with grill if i may add) that everyone seems to love in Singapore despite the humid weather. 

Mom actually whipped up additional dishes like fried bee hoon, fried rice, stir fried beancurd with spring onions, braised pork etc. That's not quite enough; she even attempted to cook a traditional Hakka dish known as Hakka Abacus Seeds (算盘子)! 

Thank god they turned out pretty nice (Note to the Great Kon: please try and let me know how authentic they are).

What i didn't enjoy was another new attempt by her in making the luxurious Peng Cai! In my opinion, there was nothing incredulously delicious about the ingredients and it was the oily gravy that pulled down the ratings!

So what about the rest of you; what good food did you have for your reunion meal? No matter how great and expensive the food is, what's most important is the company of the persons who love you most.
Your Family.

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