
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chinese New Year 2013 - The Important Day One

The very first day of the new lunar year is a big day for traditional Chinese families and you can find most of us donning new shirts, new pants, new belts, new shoes, new underwear (you get my picture) to visit relatives who are of a higher seniority than our parents. 

Non-stop visitations mean we would spend our day indulging in many festive goodies that are high in fats, sugar, salt and low in nutrients! I went out at twelve noon and only came back home ten hours later! 

Even though it was tiring (and i am likely to gain a few kilograms from all those sinful food), i had a marvelous time meeting up and chatting with relatives whom i have not met for the past one year!

It's the second year of celebration for Jovyn who was of course excited. As expected, she managed to win the hearts of many uncles, aunties and even strangers we met in the lifts! 

I have received comments that i have neglected Jerald in this blog. The older brother of Joyvn is getting too fast for my camera to take a good shot and he has a tendency to make funny faces!! Nevertheless, i shall come out with a dedicated post on him soon.

In the meantime, my family and i would like wish all my readers a happy Chinese New Year and hope that this Snake year would bring to all of you good health, good fortune and unrivalled happiness. 

Huat ah! 

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