
Friday, January 11, 2013

The Person Who Can Make Jovyn Pout!

Everyone knows i have an extremely adorable niece that almost no one of the sane mind could ever reject her ultimate cuteness! This isn't good at all as people (for example, mom) tend to disregard the bad things she does! 

So what has resulted in her displaying such a pouty look? 

As the uncle who sees her five days every week (the duration of each day is longer now that i have quit my job), i took pleasure in seeing her behaving this way! She could never behave in such a manner in front of me, no matter how fierce i am!! 

She was aware that the camera was happily clicking away and didn't appear to be too happy; honestly, these pictures would make for hilarious laughter in the future when she is much older. 

An action i wasn't aware! When Jovyn is anxious, she has the tendency to pick her fingers!!! Now, who do you think holds the power to effectively suppress her?

Her mum (aka my elder sister)?
Nope, she has yet to reach that level.

It's the father!! See, she was even averting her eyes in this photo!! This reminded me of my late dog; rubee. Since i am the alpha male, he would avert my gaze whenever he sensed my anger with him.

At least for now, i know who to call should the bulldog cheeks baby misbehave again! Ignore her watery eyes; she was just trying to gain some sympathy!!

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