
Thursday, January 10, 2013

À La Carte Japanese Lunch Buffet @ Shinyuu Japanese Restaurant [Greenwood Avenue]

There is a reason why you seldom see me talking about buffets in this blog.

With so many varieties, it is a matter of hits and misses (you like some, you hate some etc) and things worsen when ordering is through the ala carte style; where you might not even know how each dish is prepared, cooked and presented!

Nevertheless, I shall talk a bit about my lunch buffet experience at Shinyuu Japanese Restaurant although you may wish to note that pictures would be the mainstay in today's entry. 

Not impressed! Oops, that is fast. Do remember that i am all for taste and not authenticity. The wide spread of food available in Singapore has seriously made our taste buds super spoilt! 

Too chewy and lacked the sweet, tenderising sensation signature of this beef dish.

Avocado with Unagi Maki - Tasted quite well even though i would still vote for the epic Shake Aburi Maki at Standing Sushi Bar. I am comparing maki to maki here. 

Love the simplicity of this fried tofu thingy. 

Furong Egg from Tze Char stall would have walloped this prawn omelette! 

Sashimi Moriawase - for any Japanese buffet, sashimi would always be the main draw. Five pathetic pieces of salmon sashimi at Sake Sushi would set me back by at least S$6.99 (i think). As expected, quality was ensured at Shinyuu and lovers of raw fish would enjoy the thicker cut. 

Scallop was too dry and the saltiness of the grilled roe had unfortunately covered the fresh sweetness of the poor scallop (either that or the scallops were not fresh in the first place). 

In buffets, always minimise your carbohydrate intake! This fish roe sushi was not too bad. 

I could never get why people enjoy tempura. There were instances where i have horrid ones (not fresh enough, full of flour etc) yet i could not remember ever having an epic one. 

Dory fish topped with cheese! I enjoyed the juiciness of the fish patty and the taste of that slightly burnt cheese topping.

Big fish roes; i love popping them one at a time! This chawanmushi would have met the standard of Alex, the chawanmushi guru! One thing is guaranteed though; he would likely throw the fish roes to us. 

Another serving of sashimi! 

Too porky for my liking and the sauce was not special enough to warrant a favourable rating for this Grilled Pork Loin with Miso Sauce.

Tough prawn meat aside (likely the reason of being over-grilled), i like the yummy sauce smeared onto the grilled prawns! I bet the sauce would go very well if used on those tze char pork ribs! 


Many items were not ordered simply because we didn't have the stomach space to accommodate them! Hungrygowhere has a high 85% recommendation (which truthfully caught me by surprise) so there could be other dishes on the menu we didn't try that could turn out to be more impressive. 

Most importantly, i totally enjoyed the company with three of my ex colleagues for the belated farewell lunch! I am not going to list their names here just in case they are shy about it. :) 

16 Greenwood Avenue
[Behind Raffles Girl Primary School]

As above [Red Star]

Buffet Lunch - S$36.90 for Adult
[Subject to GST and Service Charge]

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