
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

A Simple Home Cooked Meal

Laziness has set in for the past few days and i felt entirely unmotivated to blog.

It has to do with the numerous events over the weekend; attending a Malay wedding, a Sikh wedding, death anniversary of my maternal grandfather, paying for car maintenance and repair plus lying on my bed watching horror movies like Ju-On, The Others, Scary Movie series etc etc.

And you know what's the best thing?

There are tonnes of pictures for upload and i don't know where to start!

Should i concentrate on a detailed post for Enchanted Airways of USS, the splendor of Thailand's Grand Palace or a typical food entry?

Why not something more personal?! Many of you might have the impression i love to cook and know how to cook but in actual fact, i am horrible in the skill my mom takes pride in and my first attempt was ridiculed by the Gang of Four.

That dampened any dim hope that i could whip up a decent meal.
Until recently.

Hunger has the strangest effect on the living and this basic need was the driving factor for me to try frying a few eggs. The oily fragrance of sizzling egg white was so tempting and i told myself i am not going to burn the eggs again!

Patience plays a damn important role in cooking; a virtue i am not known to have since birth. Aging, however, forces you to take things slower. And this has resulted in an edible pot of plain porridge!

Nothing fanciful but at the very least, i did manage to prepare a decent (and if i may add, healthy) meal.

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