
Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Jejawi Tower @ Chek Jawa Wetlands, Pulau Ubin (Singapore)

Cavin is acrophobic - this phobia, however, is redundant whenever he feels challenged.

That's exactly the sentence that ran through my mind as i looked up to this towering structure at Chek Jawa wetlands. Heck it, i never bow down to pressure so long it's a matter of sheer determination.

My legs went increasingly wobbly with each step up this 20-meter tall viewing tower known as Jejawi Tower.

And i reached the top just in time to catch a plane preparing to land at nearby Changi airport.

Besides planes, you might even catch sightings of beautiful kingfishers and majestic white bellied eagles! By the way, i don't understand why people like to leave their marks by vandalising information plaques. And eagles don't quack, stupid!

Coming back to happier things, you will be granted a satisfying panoramic view of Chek Jawa and eastern Pulau Ubin. Though there were less than ten visitors that day, i can still feel the tower shaking slightly with every movement up and down the stairs.

It's definitely not helpful to my fear of heights when the fence is bending outwards; it gives the scary impression that i might just accidentally toppled over.

Well, the chance of finding me sprawled on the ground of Jejawi Tower is not high since i am way below the average height of a typical male Singaporean. Unless someone pushes me!

This tower has a maximum load for twenty persons. But, there is no one to keep track of the numbers and i wonder if this is going to be an accident waiting to happen.

Hm..... the love for pulau ubin is so strong that a permanent engraving is deemed to be necessary. I am quite neutral towards this type of vandalism as it does add character to an otherwise boring piece of wood.

Although climbing up the tower is not difficult, the steps are pretty steep and you might find it easier by taking things slower, one step at a time.

With a slight breeze brushing through my thinning hair, it was personally a quiet moment of relaxation. As i age, i tend to embrace such moments with gratitude.

Unfortunately, i don't get THIS relaxed without a proper bed.


Near the entrance of Chek Jawa along Mangrove Boardwalk.

Kindly refer to the map of Chek Jawa Wetlands.

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