
Friday, September 23, 2011

Photos Used for a Hong Kong based Travel Guide Book for Singapore (動感觸目精華遊Easy GO!新加坡)!

Three months ago, i received a comment on my post for Nan Hwa Chong (南華昌亚秋); an editor from a publishing house in Hong Kong was requesting to use my pictures for a travel book!

Frankly, I was both honoured and skeptical - honoured since it's the first time a publisher approached me and skeptical mainly because of the question "why me?".

There are loads of photographs on the web, much better than mine, on this fish-head steamboat restaurant.

Anyway, i have nothing to lose as photo-taking is purely a leisure activity for me and i don't sell them for money. Another factor for consideration is that the pictures i took are definitely not professional enough and i should be thankful if anyone wants them!

I sent the editor of Cross Border Book Publishing, Yiki Chan, six high-resolution pictures and it was promised that a copy of the travel guide will be mailed to me upon publication on July 2011.

July came.
Nothing delivered.

August arrived.
Nope, nothing at all.

September showed up.
Well... so be it...

*a bit disappointed and at the same time, thankful that i did not blog about this. Imagine the embarrassment!*

Today, my colleague passed me a thick package - it has finally arrived!!!! I did not open up the package immediately but the Hong Kong stamps said it all.

It was an impressive 190-page travel guide (動感觸目精華遊Easy GO!新加坡) with an eye-catching cover after unwrapping. Due to a lack of reading Chinese books for a long time, i had difficulty in finding the page on Nan-Hwa-Chong.

Oh, here it is on page 119! Wah, i didn't know my pictures actually turned out pretty well! *proud*

Credits to me and my blog were also given on this page and on the back cover of the travel guidebook. Happy happy happy! It is definitely another great motivation for me to continue taking pictures and blogging.


  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    good for u! u should be proud :)

  2. thanks!!! I am more honoured than anything else. :P
