
Friday, April 01, 2011

Shroomy Mushroom Soup and Meatball Spaghetti Pasta @ SOUPerlicious (City Link Mall)

It's no secret that Marina Square and its surrounding areas have many many many food establishments and i am seriously spoilt for choices when it comes to food!

The time was 8.30pm and nothing solid (sweets are not counted) has entered my stomach since lunch. My original intention was Carl's Junior but the fatty skin surrounding my waistline is a strong enough reason for me to throw out that carbo laden craving for something soup based instead.

SOUPerlicious - sounds delicious enough and i thought it would be a great time to try something new (other than Soup Spoon that is).

My brain was overused that day and i could not be bothered to procrastinate over what to get.

Combo meal number 3 looked good and i went ahead with my order of a regular bowl of Shroomy Mushroom soup, a small bowl of meatball spaghetti and a tiny glass of ice cold lemonade!

All for S$9.90. Oh wait, this price excludes GST of 7%! #$@%!^

Shroomy Mushroom Soup
Tsk tsk tsk, the bread could do with a bit of light toasting.

My standard on mushroom soup has always been more mushroom bits. Besides falling short on that expectation, i found the taste to be quite salty with a vinegarish aftertaste.

Meatball Spaghetti
From the look of it, I wasn't anticipating anything more than plain "edible".

To give it some credit, the meatballs were not bad. It's the high level of sodium chloride in this pasta sauce that turns me off. Maybe i should just stick to non-tomato-based pasta.

Refreshing and thirst quenching (after all that salt) although the primary product came out from a dispenser machine. Surprisingly, this drink was the most memorable for this meal.


1 Raffles Link, #B1-63A,
CityLink Mall, Singapore

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