
Saturday, April 02, 2011

Houses along Old Birdcage Walk (Seletar Airport)

As weird as it might sound, i cannot find any bird cage (new or old) within this vicinity. Think about it - we could not find any red hill in bukit merah as well.

The ulu Seletar airport and its rural surroundings are undergoing a major upgrade to be the aerospace hub in Singapore. A great pity i did not shoot many pictures before the contractors destroyed this idyllic setting that is so rare in Singapore.

Well, change is inevitable and forward looking is the only way to survive (happily) in this world.

Certain areas have (thankfully) been preserved by the government and renovation works are ongoing to ensure that many of the previously abandoned colonial houses are safe for occupation.

Fortunately, there are two houses still in the state of disrepair. And trigger happy Cavin could not resist the temptation to take some pictures!

House 308 is still relatively untouched and chosen because the other house already had a photographer taking in its beauty.

Compared to most colonial houses that are standalone bungalows, the ones along old birdcage walk are semi-detached bungalows shared by at least two families.

The clear-of-litter patio.

Don't think you can happily walk into the empty house as both doors and windows have been nailed shut! I wasn't keen to explore the internal setting since safety is the top priority for any explorer! *okay, i admit i don't have guts!*

Power circuit box looked quite new! Maybe it was occupied 10 years ago - I seriously have no idea. Since i started driving in 2005, this area was already devoid of any human occupant.

The second level. Windows like these give me the creeps at night (imagine a few pair of eyes looking at you)! Drivers can try the new road from Yishun to Jalan Kayu through Seletar Dam as you will definitely drive pass the two houses.

Servant quarters; a sure sign during the colonial period! Many of you might not be aware that Seletar airport is Singapore's first international airport built in 1928.

Big kitchen sinks that gave me the impression that they should belong to the hospitals.

Unique artefact on the roof. The symbol looks familiar but i could not pinpoint where i have seen it before. Could be in any of Dan Brown's books.

Some of the doors are chained and locked! Curiosity got the better of me and i tried to push the doors. Despite the setting sun, my heart was palpitating with fear on the likelihood of hearing noises coming from inside!

Hm.... The open window on the second level might have been an easier option to get in!

Back of the house. It would be nice if there is an old school swing. That used to provide loads of entertainment back in my kampong days.

Big tree right in the middle of four colonial houses!

House number 309. No swing but there are pull-up bars; testament of the area's military past.

Never, ever attempt to scrape this! Residing inside this harden shit-coloured casing are disgusting maggots in the state of developing into wasps.

It's only till the end of my walk that i found an open view of the house's interior; dark and gloomy would be the two appropriate words for the day. Add the word eerie for night time.

A last look before i drove off. The background shows a renovated house that is now the premises of a few companies.


The map is outdated!!

Use piccadilly circus (point of entry from Jalan Kayu) as the guide. Patrons of Sunset Grill & Pub will definitely bypass the renovated houses.

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