
Monday, April 25, 2011

Nasi Lemak @ 156 Eating House [Star Hup Lee (星合利经济米粉)]

Nasi Lemak (椰浆饭) should be considered as one of the national dishes for Singapore!

It may not be as widespread as chicken rice but Singaporeans know where to satisfy their craving for coconut rice; be it the famous Punggol Nasi Lemak, Chong Pang Nasi Lemak or Changi Village Nasi Lemak.

My favourite stall is not listed above despite it having been in the same coffee shop for as long as i remember. The name (Hup Lee; 合利) might ring a bell for frequent patrons of hawker centres although i am not sure if they belong to the same company.

Anyway, Nasi Lemak is not as simple as it used to be. It has now evolved to include more than the basic coconut rice, ikan bilis, egg and chicken wing (or kuning fish) to cater to a wider scope of customers. Not exactly a good thing as the more things you offer, the higher the risk for a lapse in taste!

Therefore, my preferred combination is this 'original' mixture. Nothing less and nothing more. Hm.... maybe an additional chicken wing if i am really hungry!

The best way to eat it is to have a runny fried egg, poke it open, mix the runny egg yolk with the coconut milk infused rice and further blend them with the sweet-spicy chilli paste that we know as nasi lemak chilli! This ugly concoction is delicious enough to be eaten on its own!

Having the fried chicken wing is an enhancement to the overall experience! Each bite was juicy without being overly oily and the deep fried brown skin is delightful when dabbed with the chilli sauce.

Mom scrapped away the unhealthy skin which was such a big waste! Of course I gladly took the hint and put them in my mouth! Waste not want not!


156 Eating House,
Block 156, Yishun Street 11

S$2.20 for my preferred combination that has a chicken wing, coconut rice, two slices of cucumber and a fried egg. It used to be S$1.80 six to eight years ago! Inflation sucks!

Additional Information.
It's a typical coffee shop with no aircon! And try to sit underneath the awning. The bird infestation in Chong Pang could be merciless in releasing their potent weapon!


  1. You make me so hungry! Looks yummy :]

  2. hehehe. time to eat then! bet it's not difficult to find makan in Singapore! :P
