
Saturday, October 02, 2010

The Pinnacle@Duxton - The Peak of City Living

Deepest appreciation to my cousin, who organised a house-warming party at his new home on the 33rd floor of the most exciting public housing in Singapore;

With free guest passes that allowed us to freely roam the sky bridge on the 50th floor (156 meters high; 511 feet tall); the teo family was greeted with a breath-taking view when we stepped into the bright sunlight!

More pictures!

The first panoramic picture! The sky bridge linking all seven blocks is also used as a jogging track (how i wish i live here; needs the jogs desperately)!!

Next of course is the skyline of the Singapore's business district! I actually prefer the district's skyline from Marina Barrage but this is the best you can get from public housing!

Seats for those who wish to take in the scenery at a slower pace. They actually face the west for most likely, a beautiful sunset!

Chinatown!! Awwwww.... they will be able to catch the fireworks during Chinese New Year!! Envious!!

Another panoramic picture! Cavin has a strong affection for panoramic pictures since it can take in so much more detail than a typical camera lens!!

A much needed sheltered area. Seriously, the sun was really killing us and to deter any heat stroke amongst residents and visitors, more of such structures must be built!

My mom agreed to take this picture without the umbrella after a bit of persuasion! She wasn't very cooperative to remove her brollie after this picture. You can imagine how hot it was!

More seats that promote a more artsy fartsy feel for the area. 

A viewing gallery that is on the 51st floor that doesn't seem to be open to the public! Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong actually delivered his annual National Day message here this year!

 Sun beds?!?! It will not be long before we find bikini clad babes sun tanning here! What pinnacle@duxton really lacks is some water features!

This stone structure looked weird from far, like a round table.

As we got closer, i thought this can definitely function as a helipad! What it needs is the H symbol!

Seaport; the traditional lifeline of Singapore!

The last panoramic picture (told you i love them) where you will find mount faber and sentosa!

This is the picture my cousin and his wife wake up to every single morning! With a pair of powerful binoculars, they might even be able to catch some steamy actions in offices of the numerous skyscrapers!


Opening Hours
For the public like most of us, the sky bridge (50th floor) is opened from 9am to 10pm. All exits will be auto locked at 10pm sharp!

For access, please look above.

Additional Information
Residents and visitors are required to adhere strictly to the house rules!

Don't assume no one knows! CCTV cameras are everywhere!!

For drivers, car park lots are available (pretty obvious) and rates are typical of those for the centralised area at around S$2 per hour from Mondays to Fridays.

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