
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Expo Sale @ Singapore Expo

As a man, i hate the word "sale"!! Not because my girlfriend (or "boyfriend") is spending my money like my family owns a bank.

It's Me!
Cavin Teo!!

I cannot stand a good deal!!!

Despite having a diploma in marketing, i am a weakling against the professional yet ruthless marketers whose main aim in life is to squeeze the consumers dry (of cash)!!!

The expo sale in Singapore Expo, held at least 4 times a year under the pretense of John Little, Robinsons, Metro, will have no problem in incentivising me to part with a few hundreds of dollars each time!

There are so many different things to buy (shoes, clothes, bags, watches, snacks, grooming products, bedsheets, kitchen equipment, furniture and many many more)!!

Granted some might be old stocks, but the prices are heavily discounted!! Some of the items can be 20% plus 20% off, some could be 70% off, some could be 1 for 1!!!

Could someone please drag me away?!?

Anyway, it's a great place to spend a lazy day (my record was 3-4 hours) and you can slowly go through it by talking to the promoters, trying clothes you like, sampling the snacks, reliving your childhood memory by playing those toys that have existed back then etc! 

By the end of this therapeutic session, i will most likely end up with a full trolley (which is financially bad)!!!!!!

Damage on Saturday?
S$241.76!! :(

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